Criminals Break Out Of Prison, Only To Sneak Back In Hours Later

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Criminals Break Out Of Prison, Only To Sneak Back In Hours Later

IB Times

In what some are deeming an 'honorable' move, two Oklahoma men escaped jail last week for a period of about two hours - before returning voluntarily to the prison.

Now, if you were trapped in a cell for the foreseeable future, wouldn't you want a bit of time back with your family or friends every now and then? The question is, once out would you ever be tempted to go back?

In 2013, there was a massive prison break in the Philippines following a typhoon where prisoners had to swim to higher ground simply to survive. After the storm had passed, nearly half of all the escapees returned to the prison, but not before going home to see their families and reportedly fixing the damage to their homes from the storm.

Not all inmates are as kind-hearted. In Australia, a group of prisoners jumped the fence in order to go get drunk together, then (less than politely) returned and ended up fighting over a phone, alerting guards to their get-away.

It may seem noble to serve the rest of your sentence after a chance of freedom, but did you know that in several countries it's not even illegal to try and break out? In Mexico, Austria, and Germany the government recognizes the "basic human instinct" to seek freedom and (providing you don't break anymore laws) escaping won't add time your sentence.

So what did these men from Oklahoma get up to with their time off?

Harley Davidson and Rekeem Lennox slipped out of custody last Wednesday night and managed to avoid detection for two whole hours. The two of them spent that time in the company of their girlfriends while also smoking marijuana, until they decided to return to their former captors in Choctaw County, OK.

Both were 'trusties' at the time of their escape, meaning they had some degree of freedom within the facility. Though apparently not enough. The men waited until their jailers had left them alone and then stole a key to the laundry room, giving them access to the outdoors.

Unfortunately for Davidson and Lennox, leaving prison early in the United States is very much illegal. The two could face additional charges and extra time for their wild night on the town.

Did they make the right decision? What would you have done in their position?