Have a Headache? Try These Tricks Before You Reach Into The Medicine Cabinet

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Have a Headache? Try These Tricks Before You Reach Into The Medicine Cabinet

Having a headache can really ruin your day. From throbbing pain between your eyes, to pressure in your sinuses or feeling a beating drum on the top of your head, it can be hard to concentrate when you are dealing with this ailment.

There are many types of headaches and a lot of the time we reach for the medicine cabinet to get some quick relief.

Did you know that you could probably take care of some of the pain without the pill bottle?

Whether you suffer from stress, tension, sinus problems, migraines, dehydration or lack of sleep headaches, try these tricks to relieve the pain without drugs.


Drink Some Water

A lot of tension headaches are caused by fatigue. Fatigue is a side effect of dehydration, so a glass of water can give you some relief from the cause of the pain.

Along with water you can drink sports drinks. The electrolytes can help treat headaches caused by tension and dehydration.

Drinking enough water regular can actually reduce the severity of headaches and migraines, reducing how many pain killers you need to take.

Yes Vegetarian

Try an Ice Pack

Place a cold compress like an ice pack on your forehead and it will numb the pain and help shrink the blood vessels, which will improve circulation to the area.

This method works well for headaches that are due to stress or sinus problems.

Warm Compresses Can Do The Trick

Applying heat to the back of your neck can relieve headaches that are caused by stress. Heat relaxes tense muscles and can alleviate the throbbing pain that you are feeling.

If you suffer from chronic headaches, dip your legs in a bucket filled with hot water for 10 minutes before bed. This can help to improve blood circulation which will reduce your headache moments.

INLIFE Healthcare

Suck Up Some Lemon

Drinking warm water mixed with the juice squeezed from half a lemon will reduce the intensity of a headache.

This particular remedy helps with headaches that are caused by gas in the stomach.

Find out which nut you can eat to relieve a headache on the next page.

Go Nuts

Instead of popping a pill when you have a headache, toss back a few almonds. For every-day tension-type headaches, almonds can be a natural remedy. It acts as a pain reliever because it contains salicin, which is a popular agent in over the counter medicines.

Note: People who suffer from migraines might actually find that almonds are a trigger food, so they may have the opposite effect that you are intending.


Apply an Apple Cider Vinegar Compress

Apple cider vinegar has become a popular home remedy in recent years. For good reason too. If you feel a headache coming on, create yourself an apple cider vinegar compress to get it gone quick!


  • 1/4 apple cider vinegar
  • Roughly 3 cups of boiling water
  • 1 cup of fresh cool water


  1. Pour apple cider vinegar into a large boil.
  2. Fill the bowl halfway with boiling water.
  3. Place a towel over your head so it drapes over the bowl, trapping the steam.
  4. Hold your face over it and breathe deeply.
  5. Do this for 5-10 minutes and then drink a glass of cool water.

Get Moving

When you have a headache the last thing you are thinking about is going for a workout. Getting up and moving, and outside in the fresh air if possible can work wonders. Good exercise releases endorphins, which can dull the pain the headache is causing.

New York Times

Stretch, Relax and Breath

Life is busy, and often we take the stress out on our body. Knotting up the muscles in the upper back, neck and shoulders can create tension-type headaches.

Instead, try yoga. It will help get your mind focused, stretch out your muscles and move your body in ways that will easy tension.

Don't forget to breathe. In general we take shallow breaths, especially when we are experiencing pain or stress. Make a conscious effort to breathe deep and completely fill your lungs. This extra oxygen will circulate through blood and help you relax.

Which of these remedies have you tried before?

Source: Top 10 Home Remedies / Everyday Roots