Child's pose is one of the foundation poses in yoga. Done well, it is a soothing position that can release stress by soothing the sympathetic nervous system.
If you're feeling tired, restless and stressed-out, practicing child's pose can help you to regain peace and balance within your body. These simple modifications make practicing child's pose easy for everyone!
Special thanks to Brittany Bryden, Yoga Instructor for these great tips and to Pure Yoga Ottawa for the use of their gorgeous studio!

Wide Leg
(A great option for pregnant women)
- Begin on all fours
- Touch big toes together
- Separate the knees as wide as you rmat
- Gently lean forward
- Stretch your arms in front of you and rest your head on the mat

Mat Rolled Up
(For sensitive joints)
- Roll the bottom of your mat to form a cushion
- Rest your knees on the roll
- Stretch your arms in front and lower your stomach to your thighs

Towel Behind Knees
(Alleviates tingling, pain and cramps)
- Begin on all fours
- Place a rolled towel behind your knees
- Stretch your arms in front and lower your stomach to your thighs

Block Under Forehead
(Eases trouble breathing or discomfort)
- Begin on all fours
- Place a block on the mat in front of you
- Extend your arms and lower your stomach to your thighs
- Rest your head on the block