5 Ways Wine Can Improve Your Health

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5 Ways Wine Can Improve Your Health


Although, the benefits of drinking alcohol still don't outweigh the risks, it is proven that if you drink in moderation it is actually good for you.

Alcohol has been proven to, in some cases, reduce your risk of developing and dying from heart disease, possibly reduce your risk of ischemic stroke, and possibly reduce your risk of diabetes.

Here's a list that will make you feel great about drinking:

1. Red wine can burn fat

A study from Oregon State University revealed that the dark red grapes found in some types of red wine can help people manage obesity and a metabolic fatty liver, due to a chemical called ellagic acid.

2. Wine can help fight colds

Drinking can often make a cold worse, but drinking moderately can actually help prevent a cold. The antioxidants in red wine can help you reduce your risk of a cold by almost 60 percent. Pretty good odds if you ask me.

3. Red wine can improve your memory

A compound found in the skin of red grapes, can improve memory and cognitive function. So when you're drinking wine, you might be filled with thoughts from the past and other memories. That being said, it definitely doesn't have those effects the next morning.

4. Wine can make you live longer

If you look forward to that glass of wine or two every evening, there's no need to give up the habit. In one review of 24 studies, researchers noted that women who drink a glass of wine every day have a lower risk of all-cause mortality than those who booze less frequently.

5. Drinking wine can offer libido-boosts in women

A Journal of Sexual Medicine study found that women who drank one to two glasses of wine had heightened sexual desire, compared to ladies who didn't have any. This happens because the amount of rich antioxidants that triggers feelings of sexual excitement.

When drank moderately, wine can provide you with a long list of health benefits. So don't feel too bad about you're evening glass of wine..or two, you're just trying to stay healthy!