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7 Creative Ways to Spend Your Wedding Anniversary

There are countless ways to remember that lovely day when you said your vows, whether it’s your first wedding anniversary or you’re already celebrating your 30th anniversary. Of course, you want to plan the perfect date to rejoice the occasion. Here are seven creative ways to celebrate your wedding anniversary with the love of your life.

1. Relive Your First Date

Take it all the way back to the beginning and do your best to recreate and relive your first date. Perhaps it was awkward, and that’s okay: no one’s first date is as smooth as a strand of Akoya pearls. But now that you’ve got a wedding and some married life under your belt, reliving the first date is a great way to see your spouse with new eyes. You’ll remember why you fell in love with them, and just in case you need it, you’ll also get a do-over for that first time together.

2. Do Something Spontaneous

Not every perfect anniversary date needs to be perfectly planned. In fact, taking some time together to spend without anything planned could be a relaxing and fun way to reconnect on your anniversary. If you’re a bit unsure about doing everything totally spontaneously, come up with a few different loosely-planned options. Then, toss a coin or roll a dice to see where your adventure begins. You could also surprise your spouse with a gift that they’ll never see coming; personalized gifts make the best kind of surprises.

3. Take a Trip

A great way to commemorate an anniversary, especially if it’s a milestone, is to travel somewhere together. It can be a destination that you’ve traveled to and enjoyed in the past, or you can explore uncharted territory with your spouse. Either way, grab your suitcase and your darling’s hand, because there are so many great places to see together.

4. Learn Something New

Taking a class together is a great way to grow closer together while also developing new skills. For example, many couples enjoy cooking classes together because it takes a common part of their life together – working in the kitchen and putting food on the table – and makes it something that can be enjoyed together. Or, if your partner is a gym fanatic, you could take a fitness class together. If you’re looking for an at-home version, there are tons of video tutorials and classes from experts on any topic that you can find online. A quick internet search could open up new possibilities for you and your spouse, not to mention an enjoyable time together on your anniversary.

5. Admire Something Beautiful

Even though your partner is the loveliest thing in your world, there are also great public places to admire works of sheer beauty. You can check out art galleries and museums in your area or check out a live music performance or play. Enjoying the fine arts together is a great way to connect, because it gives a great starting point for deep, fun, and meaningful conversations that are unique to your and your love.

6. Start a New Project

Looking around your house, you probably see a number of things that you want to do or upgrade. You can use your anniversary as a starting point for all of those projects, especially the ones that require a bit of work and a lot of waiting. For example, you can plant a garden together on your anniversary and watch it grow as you live the years together.

7. Share It With Others

Inviting friends and family into your anniversary celebration might seem a bit strange at first, but remember all that they’ve contributed to your relationship and marriage over the years. Without the love and support of your friends and family, you wouldn’t even be celebrating! That’s why it can be fun to include them in the planning and activities on your anniversary. Your marriage doesn’t exist in a vacuum, and celebrating your marriage shouldn’t be isolating. Instead, consider spending part of the date – not the whole time, of course – with other people who have impacted your marriage for the better. For extra fond memories, try to serve your guests and loved ones a recreation of your original wedding cake.

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