All Olivia Enderie wanted for her birthday was to get some birthday cards, and wow did the internet deliver.
A couple weeks before her birthday Oliva's mom posted to Facebook hoping to surprise her with one hundred birthday cards for her eighth birthday and thousands of strangers ended up responding.
Olivia was diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma when she was only 13 months old. She has been through 8 rounds of chemo, and spent over 280 consecutive days in the hospital. She has have several surgeries, including one to remove her left kidney. After all of this, she is still a hopeful and lovely little girl who couldn't believe the love she was getting.
When the cards started rolling in, she didn't have any idea what it would become. It started small, receiving 11 to start but they just kept coming.

As more and more started to appear in her mailbox she couldn't believe it.

When the Channel 10 news came over to help her get to the 100 cards she wanted she was amazed. Once that aired, the cards started pouring in from all over the country!

She was having the best time opening up all these cards and gifts that strangers were sending her!

Everyone wanted to show their support for her. Even the local police officers stopped by to bring her a birthday present!

Such a sweet girl who gets a little surprise every day to help her have the best birthday ever!

She received over 2000 cards by her birthday, or as she said "thirty hundred", and they did not stop coming in once the day passed.
Her mom couldn't believe that this was continuing. She posted that they "Have gotten mail from all 50 states, Italy, Canada and China!!! The kindness and generosity for our sweet girl is out of this world! Thanks for continuing to make her birthday one none of us will ever forget!"
The family loved getting to give their girl all these gifts and cards because "think [they] helped make her feel loved". She received hundreds of cards and packages everyday and each one means the world to her.

Happy belated birthday Olivia, I hope you keep getting cards and know just how loved you are!