If you grew up any time within the last 70 years, you've probably heard of Highlights for Children, or Highlights as it's more commonly known.
The magazine, started in 1946, originated in Honesdale, Pennsylvania and the editorial office is still based out of the town. Garry Cleveland Myers and his wife Caroline Clark Myers started the magazine were known nationally for the educational success and decided to take their knowledge to a magazine called Children's Activities, but ultimately decided to start Highlights on their own.

Over the years, Highlights became a staple in homes and classrooms all over North America. Each issue has staple features and content, making it a classic and predictable source of entertainment.

Some classic features included:
- Goofus and Gallant, which taught about manners and basic social skills by showing two contrasting boys in the same situation and how to properly react.
- Hidden Pictures, which are in every single published issue
- The Bear Family, which appeared in every published issue until 1989
- Riddles, with the answers appearing upside down on the bottom of the page
- Dear Highlights, an advice column for kids appearing at the back of each issue
- Your Own Pages, which featured submitted drawings, poems, and stories from readers

Do you remember reading Highlights? Share if you remember!