Gilberto Valle, the sick ex-cop who admits he had plans to murder and eat as many as 100 women, says he still visits his fetish fantasy sites, and might be able to become a cop again.
Initially convicted of plans to kidnap, kill, and eat women, Valle's verdict was overturned by a divided court of appeals.
The ruling: fantasies are okay, it's the doing that is a crime.

That idea doesn't sit well with most people. The NYPD fired Valle, his wife (who initially turned her husband in after she found shocking Google searches on his computer) left him, and his case angered millions of Americans.
Today he walks around a free man and admits that he still fantasizes about killing and eating people.
When asked by Inside Edition if he still frequents the sites that got him into trouble he replied: "On occasion, sure."

"There's nothing illegal, there's nothing wrong with that. What I do at home is my business," he explained further.
Dubbed the "Cannibal Cop" by newspapers, Valle spent a total of 21 months in jail before the appeal freed him.
Valle's wife tipped investigators to the bizarre behavior after she found disturbing searches like "how to chloroform a girl", "human meat recipes" and "electric cattle prod shock". She said she thought he was having an affair, since he spent his nights staying up late on the computer.
In reality he was on fetish message boards, trading images and fantasies of murder and cannibalism - even involving his wife.
"I was supposed to be tied up by my feet, throat slit, and they were going to watch the blood rush from my body," his wife testified in court. Valle admits to writing that fantasy.
"It's not a crime to fantasize about people you know," he unapologetically told reporters.
Maybe it should be.

The NYPD also alleges that Valle used the department database to find the addresses of women he fantasized about. The FBI says they found a list on his computer of 100 women he wanted to target. A menu of sorts.
Still, since he never acted on his fantasies or harassed anyone, he walks free.
Inspired by his lawyers successful appeal Valle now appears ready to try his hand at law. He's gearing up to take the bar. He also said he might consider reapplying for the NYPD. He'd have the legal right to challenge their dismissal since he's considered an innocent man.
Would you want this guy in blue?