The newest trend online is how great you can make your pregnancy announcement or gender reveal.
People have been going all out with creative announcements, but personally I think this one takes the cake.
Cristy Sartwell, a professional photographer, got a call from her daughter Kennedy and her boyfriend Jake, asking Cristy to help them with their announcement.
Cristy was obviously a little wary. Her daughter is only 19 and this is a pretty big deal. But then she realized the announcement they were making and things started to make a little more sense.

Kennedy and Jake had adopted a puppy together! The couple thought it would be a cute idea to do an 'announcement' photoshoot for their new addition, so who better to shoot it than your mom?
Cristy was still a little hesitant, being busy with other projects.
"She had to convince me actually," Cristy Sartwell said.
Ultimately, she said yes, and the results are preeeeeety gosh darn adorable.
"We tried to do a posed family shoot, and she was having none of that, and that's how the picture of her running toward me evolved," Cristy said. "I said, 'Just hold her, let me lay down.' And I got her squeaker toy and got her attention."

"I said, 'I think if you guys kiss, she's going to look up at you, so just hold your kiss and I'll take pictures,'" Cristy Sartwell said.

"She seemed to have a good time," Cristy Sartwell said. "She really likes to eat dandelions, so she was chasing all the little white dandelions that were blowing."

"We are very excited to have a new family member and I'm extremely grateful that we were able to find the time to fit in this gender reveal," Cristy Sartwell said. "I think it's wonderful the way people have embraced owning dogs and cats. I think we'll be seeing a lot more of this kind of thing "” I think it's absolutely darling."