The Full Beaver Moon Will Rise Tonight For Thanksgiving

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The Full Beaver Moon Will Rise Tonight For Thanksgiving


What is there not to love about the moon? It never leaves Earth. Watching and knowing all our light and dark moments. The November Full Moon, sometimes known as the Full Beaver Moon will brilliantly light up the sky this week but you need to keep reading to find out when it peaks.

In ancient times, it was common to track the changing seasons by following the lunar month. The Full Moon in November is named after beavers who build their winter dams at this time of year. The beaver is mainly nocturnal, so they keep working under the light of the Full Moon.

It is also called Frost Moon and Mourning Moon, depending on the winter solstice. Both names describe the same thing : the Full Moon.

November's Full Moon marks the midway point of this month's lunar cycle and is the second to last Full Moon of the year. This week, the Full Moon will face the Earth and the Sun head-on, meaning it will be 100 percent illuminated.

Full Beaver Moon (a supermoon) over Isla Vista & UCSBGlenn Beltz / Flickr

If you look up at the sky this evening, you might notice a spectacular sight as November's full moon makes an appearance.

Here are the precise times:

In Los Angeles, the Full Moon is scheduled to peak on Thursday, November 22, at 9.39pm PTD.

On the other side of the United States, in New York, look out for the Full Moon from 12.39am EDT on Friday, while it is high in the night sky.

In other parts of the world, such as Egypt, the Full Moon will peak at 7.39am local time and in Japan the Moon peaks at 2.39pm local time.

Be sure to check your local moonrise and moonset times as well when the Full Moon peaks before you decide to go out and observe it.

Head of Content, reality TV watcher and lover of cookies.