Get Your First Peek At The Brand New Duck Tales!

<div><p>Anyone who grew up in the 90s remembers Duck Tales. It was one of the greatest cartoons to watch, and everyone was so excited when they <a href="">announced it was coming back</a>, and even more so when we learned about the <a href="">all star cast</a>. </p><p>Finally, Disney has given us a sneak peak at what we can expect out of Huey, Dewey and Louie and their old Uncle Scrooge! I must say, it looks pretty awesome! </p><div><figure><amp-img src="" srcset=" 550w, 650w, 750w, 850w, 950w, 1050w, 1150w" sizes="89vw" title="" alt="" height="9" width="16" layout="responsive"></amp-img></figure></div><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><p>We find out that Donald Duck is a brave adventurer, and Scrooge is just as tough! He is meeting his nephews for the first time and is just as rich as you would expect. </p><p>It's set to premiere in the summer on Disney XD but hopefully this little preview will tide you over! </p><div><div><div><amp-youtube height="9" width="16" layout="responsive" data-videoid="0-LNgU4e1rE"></amp-youtube></div></div></div><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p></div>

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