Couple Starts Renovating Bathroom, Then Finds Message From Previous Owners

I'm currently looking to buy my own house after years of renting, and I'm learning that there are compromises I'm going to have to make. For example, most places I'm looking at have a great kitchen or a great bathroom, but rarely do they have both.

I've come to the realization that I'll have to do some renovations in whatever home I buy, which is fine.

Alex and Jess Monney, a couple in San Francisco, decided that it was time to renovate their bathroom and hired a contractor to come in and do it.

Buzzfeed/Alex and Jess Monney

Those bathroom updates were about to be bigger than Jess Monney could have anticipated. While tearing down the walls, the contractor came across notes from the previous owners, asking what on earth he was doing to their beautiful bathroom.


"Hi! We're the Shinseki's!" the note reads. "We remodeled this bathroom summer 1995[.] If you're reading this, that means you're remodeling the bathroom again. What's wrong with the way we did it?!?!?"

Buzzfeed/Alex and Jess Monney

"We thought it was hilarious!" Alex told BuzzFeed. "Totally unexpected so it gave us a good laugh throughout the day."

The Shinsekis also left a note about their pet bunny.

Alex and Jess Money / Via Twitter: @alexmonney

"Hi! I'm Cassie the Bunny Rabbit. I lived here too! (I'm potty trained!) I'm going to be the next Cadbury Bunny"

The Monneys weren't able to get in touch with the Shinsekis right away, but they did have a message for them.

"Your bathroom, and home, is lovely. It has given us a lot of beautiful memories and we can't wait to raise our little baby girl here. Sorry we're changing the bathroom, but the shower is too small for me to fit in (I'm 6' and my wife is 5'). Thank you for the amazing surprise!"


The original tweet by Alex has since been deleted, and it seems as though they've found the Shinsekis. Alex responded to Brian Koppelman, creator of the show Billions, who asked if the Monneys had found their note-leaving friends.

"I can't answer this question but I can say that we absolutely love your show," Alex responded.

Either way, both families were able to get some fun out of the bathroom renovations, and now we all know what to do next time we're doing some of our own: leave a note for the next owners!

What would you do if you found this note?

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