Sarah Hyland's Chronic Pain Isn't Getting Better, And She Says It's Because Doctors Aren't Listening

Celebrity | Television

Sarah Hyland's Chronic Pain Isn't Getting Better, And She Says It's Because Doctors Aren't Listening


The Modern Family star is making headlines once again concerning her health struggles.

Sarah Hyland has been quite vocal about her health problems ever since she had a kidney transplant roughly six years ago.

The 27-year-old actress was born with kidney dysplasia, a condition where the kidneys don't develop properly while the baby is growing in the mother's womb.

"I was born with so many health issues that doctors told my mother I would never have a normal life," she said.

While we don't know all the conditions the young woman suffers from, we do know that she's been struggling with chronic pain for years.

People unaware of this fact have judged her appearance on many occasions. They've sent some nasty messages about her fluctuating weight, which she attributes to her medication.

"I don't mind when you say that I look pregnant. Or fat. Because I know that my face is swollen from my medication that is saving my life," she addressed her followers.

A few months ago, Hyland blamed CVS Pharmacy for exacerbating her pain, because they closed early and she was unable to get her medication.

"When you tell a kidney transplant recipient that her medication will be ready before you close and that you will notify her when it's ready to be picked up. F***** DO IT BEFORE YOU CLOSE. PEOPLE LIKE ME CANT AFFORD TO GO WITHOUT MEDICATION," she tweeted.

Now Sarah has someone else to blame: her doctors.

She tweeted her frustration: "For those who are chronically ill and in chronic pain: Have you had the experience of doctors not listening to you? If so, how do you not tear their heads off with your bare hands?"

Sarah is adamant about maintaining her privacy, despite expressing her difficulties dealing with chronic pain.

We're not sure what's causing her to feel ill, but she'll be relaxing at her home for at least two months, according to her recent Instagram post.

It seems like the reason Sarah has chosen to express her frustration is to let people know that they're not the only ones struggling with this issue.

"Can I share experiences and feel connected to my followers who are members of the chronically ill community, which I have been a part of for 27 years," she wrote.

Most of her followers sent her supportive comments about their own health struggles:

"YES...NOT EASY!!!" a user agreed with Sarah. "I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Type 3 Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder & wasn't diagnosed till 43 years old. It's rare so doctors always treat me like I'm crazy...I've learned it's because they are clueless & don't know what to say. Stay strong!!!" someone wrote.

"I try only going to female doctors now. And try to choose young ones, they tend to believe me more," wrote another user.

"I went years being told I was crazy or not really in pain- turns out I actually have six separate diseases that cause intractable pain. Now I have co-founded and run a non-profit from my bedroom that is working to protect chronic pain patients rights," a follower wrote.

The television star isn't the only one who has a bone to pick with doctors...

Last week, a 23-year-old nursing student's cancer story went viral. She complained to her doctor about a sharp pain in her abdomen region, who allegedly replied that is was "all in her head."

Her condition worsened, and she was finally able to get a body scan, which revealed that tumors were growing all over her body

"They thought I was going to die before the result of the biopsy came back," she told 9 News. "I knew it was really bad because it was so spread out."

There have been stories where people have died because they were turned away from their doctor's office because they were 10 minutes late to their appointment.

Then there are cases where children have died because doctors thought their mothers were being "paranoid" about their symptoms.

Recently, a 13-year-old boy died from a sinus infection after being misdiagnosed.

"It was surreal," the boy's aunt told People. "He was in a lot of pain, he was crying that his head hurt, and he was still talking to us. He would ask his mom if they were done with the tests because he just wanted to go home."

These horror stories never seem to stop. It's up to us to hold our health care system accountable and ask for better care!

Have you ever had a doctor dismiss or misdiagnose you?

Moojan has been a writer at Shared for a year. When she's not on the lookout for viral content, she's looking at cute animal photos. Reach her at