Police officers risk their life every day to protect the community, but one cop from Rock County, Wisconsin is going above and beyond to fulfill her oath.
Officer Lindsey Bittorf was off-duty when she stumbled upon the most important case of her life. While browsing Facebook she came across an online plea from a young mother whose 8-year-old boy was going to die if he didn't get a new kidney. Bittorf had never met the family or heard of them before.

Kristi Goll, the mother, had exhausted every option for her son Jackson Arneson. No family or friends were matches for the young boy, and with no where else to turn she went to the internet.
"I always knew these days would come, it's just so hard when they are here. I have reached out before, I am just trying again to see if we can find anyone out there that would be interested in being tested," Goll wrote on Facebook.

Bittorf didn't hesitate.
She went out and got tested to see if she was a match for the young boy. It's not as simple as being a match for blood type either. An organ donor must be in good health, and share numerous other biological features like antigens with the donor recipient.
"I'm set in my ways, so if I set my mind to something, there's really no talking me out of it. I was doing it," Bittorf told ABC News.
See how the family reacted on the next page!
Jackson was born with a rare condition called Posterior Urethral Valves. It is untreatable and overtime wears down the kidneys. Goll always new she was going to need a donor for her little boy, but that didn't make the news from doctors any easier to hear.
She couldn't have known, that just a short drive away, a police officer she had never met was undergoing tests to see if she could save her son.
Bittorf didn't know what to expect when she got her test results back, all she knew was that she wanted to help, but the odds of a perfect stranger being a complete match were rare. In the end Bittorf was overqualified as a donor, far exceeding the requirements of donation. At 30 she's also a perfect age to be donating.
She said doctors were "shocked" at her results.
"This is seriously, like, meant to be," she said.
Cops often times have to deliver bad news, but this time when Officer Bittorf drove to the home of Goll and her son she was going to give them the best possible news.

Cameras followed her and documented the touching moment when Goll and Jackson realized that they were saved.
"I took an oath to serve and protect our community, and now my kidney's going to serve and protect you," Bittorf told Jackson.

The surgery is scheduled for June 22, 2017, but the bond between them will last forever.