Everyone knows that the road is not a safe place to be. You can have all the safety features available, but you're still at the mercy of the other drivers around you. Now there's another hazard to contend with, and if it hits you, you'll never see it coming.
Over the course of a few days, a man has hurled cinderblocks from atop overpasses and onto moving cars below. The damage to the cars has been extensive, but so far, miraculously, there have been no casualties.
Driving down the Highway 401, Chad Charlemagne was one of the victims of the reckless rock-thrower.

"All of the sudden a big bang came down and smashed into my car, basically I thought it was a bomb," he said.
Some may think this is a harmless prank, but the truth is far deadlier.
"It's only a matter of timing," said Sgt. Kerry Schmidt. "If that rock were to hit into an occupied compartment it would be absolutely fatal."
It's easy to see how a cinderblock hitting a car traveling 70 mph would kill a driver. One look at the shocking pictures is enough to make you uneasy driving under an overpass.
The story doesn't end here!
Witnesses say they saw a man toss a 15-pound cement block from an overpass almost 30 feet above the 401, North America's Busiest Highway. The block tore through the top of a Jeep Wrangler, barely missing the driver, Charlemange, below.
The pictures taken by authorities are shocking.
Schmidt says Charlemange is lucky to be alive.
"The results can be deadly and also catastrophic."
An hour later witnesses reported another instance that sounded suspiciously similar, this time they recorded the man throwing a block off of the overpass. It's not believed that a car was hit this time.
People woke to grainy images of the man and the damage he caused circulating local media. The millions of people who travel the 401 into Toronto for work did so with a degree of trepidation as police hunted for the suspect.
Looking for witnesses who saw a man throwing cement off of Yonge St/Warden Ave/ Progress Ave onto Hwy 401. This is deadly and needs to stop! pic.twitter.com/byLsd8R0Dz
— Sgt Kerry Schmidt (@OPP_HSD) May 31, 2017
Thankfully, just before the commute home, police arrested a 32-year-old man in connection with the crimes. Everton Emmanuel James will face charges of criminal mischief endangering lives.