Worry is something that plagues all of us from time to time. It starts with a nagging thought and before you know it, you have a storm brewing in your mind that makes you irrationally zip from one worst case scenario to the next.
Some of us struggle with worry, more than others.
If you are no stranger to the powerful effects of these manifesting thoughts, these simple habits could change your life.

1. Most of which you worry about, has not actually happened.
Winston Churchill once said, "When I look back on all these worries, I remember the story of the old man who said on his deathbed that he had had a lot of trouble in his life, most of which had never happened."
This quote really resonates with worriers. Worries are often monsters you build in your own mind.
Ask yourself, how many of the things you feared in your life have actually happened?
This should put you at ease, and help you stay calm.
2. Avoid getting lost in vague fears.
When your fears lack clarity, it's easy to get lost in exaggerated worries and worst case scenarios.
Find clarity in these tense situations by asking yourself honestly and realistically, what is the worst that could happen?
The worst that could realistically happen is usually not as scary as what your mind can come up with when it's running around with vague fears.
3. Don't try to guess what's on someone's mind.
I bet you don't like when someone is trying to read your mind. Don't assume someone else's either. Often you can end up exaggerating into an even worst case in your mind which doesn't help anyone.
Instead actually ask what you want to know.
You may be surprised at the positive effects this openness has your relationship and how much happier you will feel.
Get 6 more great tips on the next page!
4. Stop yourself when you know you can't think straight.
At times when you are hungry or tired you can be more mentally vulnerable, so worries can easily start buzzing through your head.
If you find your mind starting to wander before you start to fall asleep, stop yourself.
Tell yourself that this situation or issue can be thought through when you are have gotten some sleep or enjoyed a nice meal.
This takes practice, but it works wonders at keeping things at bay.

5. People don't think about you and what you do as much as you think.
Don't get lost in worries about what other people may think or say about you. They also have their hands full with their lives, and frankly their own worries that they are rarely thinking about you.
6. Go for a work out.
A great way to release your nervous energy is by doing something physical. Focus your energy on lifting weights or going for a run on the treadmill and you will find yourself more decisive after the mental break.
You will also get the added bonus of feeling better physically from your workout.
7. Bring your worries into the light.
By letting your worries out and talking to someone close to you, it becomes a whole lot easier to resolve your concerns.
Just by venting for a few minutes may make you realize that you worry isn't so bad after all.
The other person may be able to weigh in and help you find a practical solution and you can let go of your worry all together.
If you don't have anyone to talk to at the moment, then try letting it out by writing it down. Just by getting it out of your head, you will feel lighter and give you more clarity.
8. Some more time in the present.
When you spend too much time consumed by the past or thinking about the future, you forget about the present day.
Reconnect with what's happening right now by slowing down your actions. Move, talk and even eat slower. By doing so, you will become more aware of what's happening all around you at that moment.
9. Refocus on the first small step and move forward.
Spinning your wheels with worry won't get you anywhere. There comes a time when you just need to take an action, even a tiny one, just to get moving.
Ask yourself, what is one small step I can take right now to start improving the situation?
Focus on that and afterwards you will feel better for being able to move forward.
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