Last we checked, smashing dishes, jumping the broom, beating the groom's feet and blackening are all odd but real wedding traditions from around the world. Falling off a car, however, was never a tradition. Unfortunately, this is exactly what happened to a newlywed couple in Texas.
Hana and Tyler Noland got married a few weeks ago on July 1st. From the looks of it, the ceremony and reception seemed to have gone off without a hitch, but the universe had another surprise in store for them.

At the end of the festivities, when all that was left to do was bid adieu and ride off into the night as newlyweds, the moment that made them stars of a viral video took place.
The couple hopped on top of a Mercedes convertible ready to call it a night. Hana yelled to the driver, "Let's go Dave," but it seemed like the excitement got to him and he hit the gas a little too hard, sending the happy couple falling backward onto the road.
And it was all caught on tape.
Hana and Tyler's wedding videographer shared the video on YouTube and also confirmed that the couple are thankfully unharmed.
"Thanks God they are OK, I called them this morning and the newlyweds were on their way to Honeymoon," read the caption below the video.

Hana later wrote about the fall on her Facebook page and reiterated that they were doing fine and have no hard feelings towards Dave. She said that both her and Tyler are able to look back at the video and laugh.
"After all, if you can't laugh at yourself who can you laugh at?," wrote Hana.
Ellen DeGeneres Now that it's been a few weeks, we can look back at this and laugh. After all, if you can't laugh at...
Posted by Hana Haka Noland on Saturday, July 22, 2017
Dave later wrote a hilarious guest book entry on the wedding website:
"Congratulations Hana & Tyler, you two looked great right up until I let it go!," he wrote. "May you have equally awesome memories in your newly wedded life and may you spend your new found Youtube sensation status in earnest before it too drops!"
You can watch the entire moment unfold in the video posted here.
What's the best wedding fail you have ever seen? Let us know in the comments!