Stephen Crowley has mastered the art of Photoshop and uses his skills for an interesting project. He likes to take photos of his daughter Hannah and turn them into something that would terrify any parent at first glance.
He turns his daughter into the the tiniest little daredevil, whether she's climbing ladders, holding knives or even driving a car! He is pretty talented so the pictures will definitely catch you off guard if you don't know what you're looking at!

Hannah was diagnosed with an immune disorder called HLH and was in the hospital for 6 months while she went through chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant.
Crowley says that "Because we missed out on so much normal stuff of the first year, we take tons of photos now that we're able to do normal things out of isolation."

He just happens to like taking those photos and turning them into something a bit more outrageous .

He has used the popularity of his photos to raise awareness for Be The Match, a bone marrow registry that connects donors with patients in need.

He hopes he can help people find matches when needed as it isn't always easy. Out of the 27 million donors in the world, only three were a match for his daughter.
The more people that are registered the better the odds will be!