Tom Petty is one of the most prolific American singer-songwriters in rock and roll history. With a string of hits from not only his well-known band, Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers, but also his other projects like The Traveling Wilburys and Mudcrutch, the man has been a driving force in the music industry for over 40 years.

Even his solo career has earned him a number of awards, and he has the accolades to go along with it. It was recently established that Petty has sold over 80 Million albums worldwide, several of which have gone Platinum, and in 2002 he was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

He's also remained a huge advocate for artistic control and the ability for artists to have free reign over the rights to their art, and has actively sued several companies who he's felt have tried to take advantage of him and his music.

Suffice to say, Petty is a genuine musical legend, which is why it's with great sadness that the 66 year old rocker has just been reported as being rushed to the hospital.
Read on for what we know so far...
TMZ have just reported that, after speaking to law officers, they have confirmed that Petty has been rushed to the hospital.

Petty was found unconscious in his Malibu home, not breathing and apparently in full cardiac arrest, which the EMTs confirmed to be the case upon arriving on the scene.
The EMTs were apparently able to find a pulse. They then rushed Petty to the UCLA Santa Monica Hospital, where he was put on life support.
Both CBS News and the LAPD have confirmed that Petty was unresponsive following being placed on life support, with no activity in his brain. It was decided to take him off life support, and Petty soon passed away. He was 66.