Sorry calorie counters, the Federal Law that would make your life a lot easier isn't going to be coming into effect when we thought it was. You're going to have to wait.
A law that would make it mandatory for any restaurant with over 20 locations to display calorie information on their menus has been pushed back yet again. It was supposed to come into effect Friday May 5, but the day came and went without any compliance.
Earlier this year the Food and Drug Administration asked for an extension on the deadline but didn't when they would like that new deadline to be. This isn't the first time they've asked for an extension either - past deadlines in 2015 and 2016 were both pushed back too.

The new deadline, if the term even applies to something extended 3 times, is now May 7 2018.
Advocates for great dietary information will no doubt be disappointed at the decision, and even the National Restaurant Association is upset, saying that the Federal law would help make the industry more consistent, since currently restaurants in some areas have to display calories, while others don't.
The FDA released a statement earlier explaining its request:
"We are taking this action to enable us to consider how we might further reduce the regulatory burden or increase flexibility while continuing to achieve our regulatory objectives, in keeping with the Administration's policies."

Opponents of the measure say that it creates an unnecessary cost to restaurants where profit margins are already tight, they also say there's no proof that advertising calorie information will lead to smarter eating by a restaurants customers.
There are also opponents on the other side of the argument, saying that simply showing calories isn't enough for a consumer to make an informed choice.
New York City was the first district to enable calorie information laws, and California became the first state to mandate it in 2009.