23 Passive Aggressive Windshield Notes That Aren't Passive At All


23 Passive Aggressive Windshield Notes That Aren't Passive At All

Have you ever thought you've seen a parking spot, only to get closer and find out the person next to it has parked SO poorly, it's not even an option? We've all been there.

Most of us will just keep moving on, but there are others who are so peeved by the inconvenience that they stop to write a note, with the hopes of changing the other person's ways.

There's no guarantee it'll work, but hey, it's worth a shot!

1. Wow! A mind-reader!

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2. Carly Rae Jepsen would be so proud.

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3. To the point. I like it.

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4. If you have the energy to move trash cans, you have the energy to park somewhere else.

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5. Talk about a guilt trip!

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6. I'm thinking this person is being sarcastic.

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7. Okay, who takes the time to draw this?

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8. This started out nice, then it got worse.

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9. A club! Are there matching jackets?

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10. Like Dukes of Hazzard!

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11. Okay, this is the worst thing to wish on someone.

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12. Leave the bunnies out of it.

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13. At least he won an award.

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14. Alright, now this just looks like product placement.

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15. Mickey must be really pissed.

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16. Must be Canadian.

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17. This is weirdly anthropological.

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18. Spiderman is the hero we all need.

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19. Always be prepared.

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20. A movie reference and a note...two for one.

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21. The question we all want answered.

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22. There are two kinds of people...and both are angry.

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23. Ouch.

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Have you ever left (or received) a note like this?

Meagan has an intense love for Netflix, napping, and carbs.