With winter fast approaching, it's time to start thinking about how bad the roads can potentially become when the snow starts flying. That being said, crazy things can happen on the road, especially at night. If you are a great driver you can still get unlucky, anything can happen.
It's a good idea to be prepared for the worst possible scenario. These 10 items should be kept in every car, they could possibly save your life.
1. Bottled water & non-perishable food.
If you suddenly run out of gas, or end up in a ditch on a cold, snow-covered road, you have no idea how long you will actually be stuck there. It's important to keep bottled water and some nutrition like energy bars or beef jerky.

2. First-aid kit.
This is pretty self-explanatory. If you end up in an accident, injuries are a possibility. Your first-aid kit should include; bandages, peroxide, heat packs, Tylenol/Ibuprofen, and needle/thread etc.

3. Portable shovel.
When you're dealing with snow and ice, it's important to be able to handle the situation. If no one is hurt, and you are simply just stuck, having a shovel in the vehicle can make a world of difference towards getting out.

4. Roadside flares/glow sticks.
If you're broken down on the side of the road, without battery power, it's important to make sure that other drivers coming down the road are able to see you. Having flares or glow sticks in your emergency kit can save lives.

5. Extra blankets.
It can get damn cold at night during the winter. Heck, it can even get blisteringly cold during the day. If you're unable to get the heater working in your vehicle, you need to make sure you have a way to stay warm. Keeping a couple warm blankets in your car can be the difference between frostbite and death.

6. Flashlight with extra batteries.
Being able to see even in the dark of night is vital to survival. One of the first things you should have in your emergency kit is a flashlight and extra batteries, just in case.

7. Small fire extinguisher.
God forbid that your vehicle catches fire, you should probably have some way of putting the fire out. Even if you are unable to drive your vehicle, it can become a safety shelter to get through the ordeal.

8. A multi-tool.
You might think that this is pointless, you're not McGuyver after all. But just having a number of tools available to you can come in quite handy. It also doesn't take up much space, leaving room to add extra water or another item.

9. Duct tape.
Duct tape has a use in almost every situation. This multi-purpose item can come in handy when you least expect it. It can be used to make repairs to things, even closing wounds when bandages just wont get the job done.

10. Road maps.
Knowing where you are is wildly important. If you happen to be lucky enough to have a phone (that works wherever you may be) then you want to be able to let people know exactly where you are. Also, if you have no way to contact help, and there is no other choice than to try and hike your way out, having a map can be the difference between life and death.

Do some research before you start assembling your emergency kit, and please don't limit yourself to just these 10 items. This is simply a good starting point.
Make sure you stay safe this winter season.