No kid got out of the 80s or 90s without at least knowing what a Care Bear was. They were probably some of the most popular toys in those decades and it's safe to say that probably every child had at least one thing with a Care Bear on it.
Whether it was your favorite stuffed animal, plastic cup or night light, Care Bears were there to stare away the bad stuff and spread the love.
If you loved them as much as we did, you probably still remember all the words to the television show intro song and you can probably name most of the members of the Care Bear family!
Scroll down to see a few of our favorite Care Bear memories below...
You proudly brought your lunch to school in this clunky lunch pail and thermos

You loved your plastic cup and refused to eat dinner off of anything by that Care Bear plate!

Your Cheer Bear probably looked like this:

Your Mom made you a Care Bear cake (using one of these molds) for your birthday

You never missed an episode of Care Bear family

And you definitely know what a Care Bear Stare is!

Maybe you had this nightlight to scare away the monsters

And you got to use the special tumblers, but only at dinner

Which was your favorite Care Bear?

Do you remember the Care Bears? Let us know in the comments!