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10 Ways To Get Your Daily Dose Of Caffeine Without Drinking Coffee

Coffee drinkers know that your day doesn't officially start until you have had your first cup of coffee. That caffeine helps to clear the mind fog and give you enough energy to get to work, clean the house or deal with your kids. As a regular coffee drinker you know that if you skip past your morning cup of Joe you will definitely be feeling the consequences later in the day, which include moodiness, agitation, and of course a giant headache.

Well, it's not coffee that creates all the perks and disadvantages, it's the caffeine in your cup. If you aren't a big coffee drinker but love the perk caffeine gives you, here are 10 ways to enjoy the benefits without the roast.

1. Brewed Tea

If you're not a big coffee drinker, chances are you enjoy a cup of a tea. Tea is a great way your caffeine buzz and it comes in many different types and flavors. Bottled teas also have less caffeine than freshly brewed tea, so it's time to get the water boiling.

2. Lattes and Fancy Coffee Drinks

If coffee's bite is too bitter for your taste-buds, there's a chance you like lattes, cappuccinos and cafe mochas. While these fancy coffee drinks will give you a caffeine boost, watch out for the sugar rush and crash. These drinks are loaded with extra calories, so get yours made with nonfat milk, and less sugar when you can.

3. Soda

Some sodas have a caffeine count that rivals the amount in a cup of tea. Get your caffeine fix with a can of caffeinated soda. Be aware that many regular sodas are loaded with sugar, so maybe opt for diet option to help keep the calorie count down, if you're going to make it a regular thing.

4. Energy Drinks

Whether you're pulling an all-night shift or cramming for finals, most have us have turned to energy drinks when we needed a serious pick-me-up. Red Bull, Monster and Rockstar Energy drinks are all over the market in a variety of flavors and combinations. You can even find some mixed with alcohol for those late nights out with friends.

5. Kombucha

Kombucha is a fermented tea that can vary from sweet to tart. You can buy this drink at most health food stores, or you can try and make your own! There are tons of flavors to choose from with just enough caffeine to pick you up when you need it.

There are more unconventional ways to enjoy caffeine though!

If you ask people what they find to be the biggest benefit to caffeine, it will be that it helps give you energy and lifts your mood. There are many other benefits of caffeine as well as other components that are good for your body, in coffee and tea.

But how do these other alternatives to coffee stack up? One regular cup of coffee accounts for 138 mg of caffeine. Close behind a 1/4 cup of espresso packs 125 mg count in your cup. A cup of hot brewed tea will give you 47 mg of caffeine, while a can of soda has 42 mg to give you a buzz.

5. Chocolate

Yup, you read that right. Chocolate contains caffeine. Dark chocolate has the most with 43 mg of caffeine to give you a buzz. There are even some chocolate bars, like Awake Caffeinated Chocolate that will give up about 100 mg of caffeine in a bar.

6. Mints

Are you worried about walking into your meeting with coffee breath? Get your caffeine buzz with these mints that pack 40 mg of caffeine in each one. These refreshing sugar-free mints, will give you the focus that you need to make it through the day.

7. Hot Sauce

Yup, you read that right! Get a double kick out of this delicious condiment that will both wake you and your taste buds up! Score 12 mg of caffeine per serving for a jolt to awake you!

8. Gum

Based on the popular soda you probably remember from your childhood, Jolt now delivers a gum with the same amount of caffeine as an energy drink with a minty aftertaste that won't make you miss coffee.

9. Perky Jerky

You can get your caffeine buzz from your afternoon snack of beef jerky. While this seems strange, this jerky has less fat and sodium, as well as fewer calories per serving than traditional beef jerky. It also packs a serious punch with about 75 mg of caffeine in one serving, which is the same as a can of Red Bull.

10. Gummi Bears

These candies are not the kind you want to give to your kids. Infused with caffeine and vitamins, these treats are geared towards athletes who need an extra boost during a game. That's not to say, that we can't enjoy a little pick-me-up from a sweet candy!

How do you get your energy?

Source: WebMD / Early to Rise /

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