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5 Tips to Cook Your Favorite Food Faster

Even if you are not fond of cooking, you have to prepare something daily. Yet, sometimes it takes too much time to cook your favorite meal. As a result, you don't have a minute to play with a blackjack online casino live dealer or watch a movie. And these tips will help you make cooking much faster.  

Quick Smoothies

Not enough time in the morning to mix dozens of ingredients for your favorite smoothie? Here is a great idea. Mix up the ingredients for your favorite beverage ahead of time, then put everything into muffin molds and put them in the freezer.

All you'll need to do before breakfast is put a couple of these unusual frozen "muffins" in the blender. Your favorite drink is ready in seconds!

Vegetables for Your Dinner

Are you too hungry to play with dinner at the end of the day? Peel, chop vegetables and put them in special containers ahead of time to save precious time.

For example, sliced zucchini noodles can be kept for 3-5 days, and sliced carrots, onions and peppers can stay in the fridge for a week if you put them in plastic bags beforehand.

Look How Long You Cook

Roasted vegetables are a pretty popular dish on everyone's table, but often waiting about 40 minutes to cook them can be extremely tedious.

Try pan frying foods at the same time depending on their cooking time. For example, asparagus, mushrooms, and cherry tomatoes are cooked very quickly, while carrots, cauliflower, onions, potatoes and parsnips take much longer.

Don't Eat More Than You Can

Are you tired of having to eat a snack instead of a full meal? Before you know it you've gained a few extra pounds through snacking, and that's a great solution. Put those snacks in plastic bags or jars.

It's easy to regulate your food so that you don't gobble it up next time!

A Fresh Salad Every Day

Don't like making salad at home because it turns out kind of dry?  Use a glass jar so you always have fresh food.

Put the salad dressing on the very bottom, then layer solid vegetables like peppers or beans, and then the greens. Don't forget to cover it all on top with a paper towel. It will absorb the moisture if you're going to store the salad for a few days.

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