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New Law Will Require Buildings To Put Changing Tables In Men's Restrooms

Twitter - Senator Brad Hoylman / Facebook - Donte Bowtie Palmer

Any parent of a young child knows that leaving the house with your kid is a lot of effort. They have a lot of stuff you need to bring, like strollers, bottles, extra clothes, and of course, diapers.

Changing diapers is one of those things that no one really wants to do, but obviously, it's got to get done. At home, the parents usually have the option to split the responsibility up equally, but when they go out in public there is a big problem.

Most men's washrooms don't have a baby changing tables in them. They don't give dads the option to change their babies diapers.

Several different men have spoken out about this in recent months, posting photos of them being forced to change their baby's diaper on the dirty floor of the public washroom.

There is no reason to assume that a woman would always be there to change the diaper.

Finally, one state has agreed with this, and thanks to new legislation, businesses will be forced to agree as well.

New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo has successfully put forward a new building code that will require all "new or substantially renovated buildings" to be equipped with "safe and compliant changing tables" in the public washrooms.

"Changing tables will be available to both men and women, and there must be at least one changing table accessible to both genders per publicly-accessible floor. Building owners or managers must post clear signs directing the public to the location of the nearest available changing table."

In 2016, President Barack Obama signed a similar law into established that all federal buildings must have baby changing tables in both men's and women's restrooms, but now New York has expanded it to include all buildings.

Other politicians are happy to see this change taking place and have spoken up about it. Senator Brad Hoylman was thrilled with the change because it meant him and his husband would be able to have proper changing tables available to them.

Hopefully, this will give more politicians the motivation to do something about the rules in their districts, because it's not fair that anyone should have to change a baby on the floor.

Source - People

Do you think there should be laws that force buildings to put changing tables into all bathrooms?

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