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New Research Determines How Often Couples Should Have Sex

There's nothing quite like the thrill of starting a brand new romantic relationship with somebody you're completely smitten with. During what's often called "the honeymoon phase," it becomes an all-consuming thing; you only think about each other, you try to spend every waking minute with them as possible, and of course, once you're ready, the sparks start a-flying in the bedroom.

However, once you're through that phase, things begin to change. Suddenly you're a lot more comfortable being yourselves around each other, you're a little more independent than you were before, and things cool down to a reasonable level that's much easier to maintain. Sometimes this is where you'll see cracks in the relationship begin to form, but other times it becomes a sign that you two are meant to last beyond just physical attraction.

The question remains though; how much sex should you and your partner still be having in order to keep yourselves happy and healthy? It's a natural part of every relationship, and people obviously have different sex drives from one another, so it's a little bit hard to say. However, researcher Amy Muise at the University of Toronto, Mississauga has decided to try to tackle the question herself!

Her research has revealed some interesting insights...

There are a few key points from Muise's research, with these six being the biggest.

1. Once a week is the ideal amount


This seemed to be the "peak" amount that would spur on happiness in most couples and wouldn't feel too daunting.

2. Americans do have a limit to how often they can get it on

Despite what we sometimes tell ourselves in our younger years, apparently the average American cuts it off at about 5 times a month, or just over once a week.

3. Quality really is better than quantity

Researches found that the quality of the sex really did outweigh the quantity, so apparently it's not doing much for you if it's not actually all that good (big surprise that is).

4. Doubling the amount will wear you out

Couples who agreed to double the frequency of their romps for the study reported not only decreased happiness, but also heightened exhaustion and worse sex. In short, know your limits.

5. Frequency for single people is still up in the air

Muise called the frequency of sex for singles "another area ripe for future research."

6. It really isn't everything

The research was claimed to "dispel the notion that sex has limitless benefits for well-being." In short, focus more on personal intimacy and enjoying your partner, not just on getting it on.

What do you think about these results?

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