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Doctors Warn: If You Cook With Aluminum Foil, Stop Now As It Can Be Harmful To Your Health

People in the culinary arts and less fancy kitchens around the world regularly use aluminum foil. It comes in handy for wrapping up food before cooking or for storing leftovers. But according to recent studies and research, aluminum foil can be "detrimental" to one's health.

Ghada Bassioni for Ain Shams University conducted a study, and found aluminum is the primary component of the foil. Large amounts are found in common cookware. The Huffington Post wrote an article on aluminum foil.

They state: "˜while cooking your food in aluminum pots or pans isn't a bad thing, placing it in foil and putting it in the oven is problematic. This is especially true with acidic or spicy food that's prepared at high temperatures.

'It's recommended each person only ingest a specific amount of aluminum daily. This comes from The World Health Organization, (WHO). We should ingest no more than "40mg per kilogram of body weight."

The Huffington Post went on to list foods that contain aluminum. It's present in, "˜corn, yellow cheese, salt,  herbs, spices, and tea. It's used in cooking utensils, as described above, as well as in pharmacological agents like antacids and antiperspirants.

Aluminum sulfate, which is derived from  aluminum, is used as a coagulant during the purification process of drinking water.'

An article published by Health Line said we receive some of the aluminum  naturally from foods like "˜fruits, spinach, radishes, mushrooms, vegetables and some meats.' It warned that aluminum from utensils and containers could leach into our food.

The United states National Library of Medicine journal found cooking meat in aluminum foil can increase the percentage of aluminum in the meat from 89 to 389%.

The type of specific meat and spices that accompany it play a factor in how much aluminum seeps into the food. This was discovered in an article from 2012 in the International Journal of Electrochemical Science.

Reader's Digest discussed this matter further. "˜the amount varied based on factors such as temperature and  acidity (fish and tomatoes are highly acidic), but the findings showed conclusively that aluminum  foil does leach into food cooked in foil.'

Ghada said: "˜The acidity of the food would enhance  further leaching of aluminum into the meal. How aluminum will actually harm your  body  depends on many factors like your overall well-being and consequently how much your body can handle the accumulation of it in relation to the allowable dosages set by the World Health Organization.'

There is no direct correlation between people living with Alzheimer's and a high intake of aluminum. But articles from Health Line and the Reader's Digest did find these folks do have higher amounts of the element in their brains.

The Health Line article stated: "˜in addition to its potential role in brain disease, a handful of studies have suggested that dietary aluminum could be an environmental risk factor for inflammatory  bowel disease (IBD) Despite some test-tube and animal studies that allude to correlation, no  studies have yet found a definitive link between aluminum intake and IBD.'

The post Doctors Warn: If You Cook With Aluminum Foil, Stop Now As It Can Be Harmful To Your Health appeared first on Goodfullness.

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