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15 Reasons Why You Should Eat Eggs

Eggs are a powerhouse food, and eggs are a healthy protein option. The best thing about eggs is the fact that it is a versatile food, meaning you can eat eggs for breakfast, as a healthy snack, for dinner, and for lunch as well.

Eggs are a no-carb, no-sugar food which is low in calories. If eggs are not common on your grocery list, once you learn about the many health benefits that might change.

Read on and surely eggs will be at the top of your grocery list.

15 Reasons Why You Should Eat Eggs

1. Eat Eggs, and You Will Eat Less

Eggs are the perfect breakfast option. It is like that since if you eat eggs for breakfast then there is a higher possibility that you will eat less during the day. Also, you will feel full for longer period of time.

Eggs come with the high amount of protein and that puts them high on the list of satiating foods.

2. Eggs Are Good for Your Vision

Eggs don't contain only protein; they also have a high amount of zeaxanthin and lutein antioxidants. According to studies, these nutrients lower the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts, and they build up the retina.

3. Eggs Are Good for Your Bones

Eggs are abundant in vitamin D, and that can help protect your bones and fight against osteoporosis.

4. Eggs Help Improve the Function of the Liver

Did you know that egg contain choline? This is a macronutrient which helps improves the function of the liver, transports minerals and vitamins, and it helps increase the metabolism.

5. If You Want to Build Muscle, You Need to Eat Eggs

Eggs can help you have better muscle. When it comes to faster muscle repair protein is a must. After every workout, you can nosh a couple of eggs in order to build muscle easier.

6. Eggs Are the Perfect Food For Pregnant Women

In case the texture and smell of eggs don't make you sick while you are pregnant, make sure to keep completely cooked and pasteurized eggs as a crucial part of your diet.

You should know that 2 eggs come with 250 mg of choline. Often doctor recommends breastfeeding and pregnant women to have from 450 to 550 mg on a daily basis.

It is like that since choline helps prevent congenital disabilities and it helps in the development of the brain.

7. Eggs Are Good for Your Brain

In the past, there were many myths about the eggs, and they had a bad reputation. One such myth is that eggs raise cholesterol. You should know that eggs don't do that and they aren't a risk when it comes to the health of your heart.

In addition, they help prevent dementia. Also, it is said that those people who eat from 5 to 6 eggs on a weekly basis actually don't have any brain issues.

8. Eat Eggs to Boost Energy

You should know that one egg has around 65 calories and 6 g of high-quality protein. What you can do is eat 2 eggs with a half cup of oatmeal. This is the perfect combination if you want to have a balanced and filling meal.

9. Eggs Are Abundant in Essential Minerals

Eggs are abundant in phosphorus, zinc, and iron; these are minerals which are important for your body. For example, phosphorus is vital for you to have healthy teeth and bones, on the other hand, women need iron because of the monthly period.

Last but not least the zinc maintains your immunity in an ideal form, and it helps the body to convert food into energy.

10. An Egg Is a Perfect Snack

As we already mentioned one egg of medium size has around 65 calories. This makes eggs perfect choice as a healthy snack which is low in calories.

Just so you can make a comparison, that is less than one portion of most fruits. So, the next time you want to have a snack get a hard-boiled egg. Not only is it healthy but it will keep you full for longer period of time.

11. Eggs Are A Nutritious Food

As we mentioned earlier, the best way to start your day it with an omelet or hard-boiled eggs for breakfast.

If you eat that, you will get:

  • Selenium "“ 22 percent of the recommended daily allowance, i.e., RDA
  • Healthy fat "“ 5 g
  • Folate "“ 5 percent of the RDA
  • Vitamin A "“ 6 percent of the RDA
  • Protein "“ 6 g
  • Vitamin B5 "“ 7 percent of the RDA
  • Phosphorus "“ 9 percent of the RDA
  • Vitamin B12 "“ 9 percent of the RDA
  • Vitamin B2 "“ 15 percent of the RDA

12. Eggs Don't Impact Your Blood Cholesterol

Before people used to avoid eating the whole egg since they believed that it is too fatty. However, it is shown that dietary cholesterol that is the cholesterol from the food you consume, does not have much impact on your blood cholesterol.

To be more precise, although eggs contain cholesterol, consuming eggs most likely won't raise your cholesterol levels.

In fact, there is only a small percentage of people that are impacted by the dietary cholesterol.

13. Eat Eggs for Healthy Skin and Hair

You should know that eggs have a B-complex vitamin by the name biotin. What this vitamin does is that it helps the body to metabolize carbs and fats for energy.

In addition to this, biotin might help improve your skin, nails, and hair.

14. Eggs Help Increase Good Cholesterol

High-density lipoproteins, known as healthy cholesterol, lower the risk of having stroke and heart disease.

As a matter of fact, you can increase the level of good cholesterol in the body by consuming organic eggs on a regular basis.

15. Eggs are Carb-Free and Gluten-Free Food

If you are gluten intolerant or in case you have to follow a particular diet for your blood glucose levels, eggs are the perfect way to get protein. Of course for that, you will have to consult your doctor first.


Now you know that there is more to eggs than you thought. There are many ways to include eggs in your diet. If you decide to eat more eggs, make sure that they are organic, since organic is the best.

The post 15 Reasons Why You Should Eat Eggs appeared first on Gotta Do The Right Thing.

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