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1 Carrot, 1 Avocado and 1 Capsule of Vitamin E, in 20 Minutes is The Magic of The Cures

Our skin is the largest body organ, and over the years, it is often exposed to harmful influences, that lead to is damage, and various skin illnesses and conditions.

The most common causes of skin damage include sun exposure, a poor diet, a lack of sleep, chronic stress, exposure to harmful chemicals, and habits, such as smoking and drinking alcohol.

All of us dream of reversing skin damage and having a flawless skin, free of acne, wrinkles, and pimples, and a healthy complexion. Yet, this requires a proper skin treatment.

When it comes to the proper care of the skin, the vitamin E is essential, and we will reveal two ways in which you can use it to boost skin health and improve its appearance!

Avocado, carrot, and vitamin E- mask

Mix an avocado with a carrot, and add a vitamin E capsule to the combination. Apply the natural mask on the face, leave it to act for 20 minutes, and rinse with lukewarm water.

Avocadoes are the richest fruits in vitamin E, while the carrot will provide high beta-carotene content, that will renew the collagen in the skin.

Bananas and vitamin E- mask

Mix a ripe banana with 2 vitamin E capsules, and apply the mask on the face. After 20 minutes, wash it off with water.

Bananas are full of potassium that will diminish the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on the face. This natural mask will soften the skin, and help you get an even complexion.

Moreover, do not forget to drink plenty of water during the day, in order to keep the skin hydrated and healthy.


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