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5 Things You Should Never Do After Eating! (No.4 Is Really Dangerous For Your Health)

After having a heavy meal, many of us like to take a short nap or have a dessert or a drink. However, many of us are not aware of the possible advantages and disadvantages of our routines, so we can easily harm our health, without being aware of it.

Therefore, we list the 5 things you shouldn't do after eating:


Sleeping after a meal can lead to bloating, discomfort, and heartburn. According to the findings of a study done at the University of Ioannina Medical School, people who waited a longer period of time to go to bed after eating had a lower risk of stroke.

Therefore, make sure you wait for at least a couple of hours after meals, before you go to bed.

Drink Tea

This habit can disrupt the iron absorption in the body, as tea is high in tannic acid that binds to the protein and iron from the consumed food. This might lower the abruption of iron by 87%, and lead to poor appetite, weakness, fatigue, anemia, dizziness, and chest pain.

Eat Fruit

It is best to eat fruits before meals, on an empty stomach, as they need different enzymes to be properly digested, as well as sugar which needs to be adequately absorbed too. Consuming fruits after meals can cause heartburn, indigestion, and burping.


Smoking is an extremely harmful habit, and smoking after meals can pose serious health risks. Cigarettes contain nicotine, that binds to the excess oxygen, which is vital for digestion and supports the absorption of more carcinogens than usual.

A cigarette after meals equals smoking 10 cigarettes at once, according to scientists, and elevates the risk of lung and bowel cancer.


To properly digest the food, the stomach needs a larger blood supply after a meal. Yet, a shower after eating will only redirect the blood flow to the legs and hands, and thus weaken the digestive system, leading to stomach pain.


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