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Why Anyone With a Migraine Should Drink Grape Juice; These Are The Results

Migraine headaches are one of a kind, and trust me, it's not the good kind. The throbbing pain seem to be "˜killing' you, and most sufferers can't even find a way to do their daily activities.

Yes, believe it or not, migraines may get super nasty, causing you nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light and sound.

How to recognize a migraine attack? Sufferers usually have stiffness in their neck, and deal with depression, moodiness, food cravings, constipation and diarrhea. The worst part comes when you realize that even the simplest foods can give you a headache. Red wine can also "˜blow' your head.

Consult your doctor about the possible causes of your migraine. This is the first step of your treatment, as you may learn a lot about migraines and potential therapies.

Chemical and natural triggers

Experts at the Mayo Clinic claim that most sufferers deal with imbalances of the chemicals in their brain. Low serotonin levels cause severe pain.

Migraine may also occur as a result of nutritional deficiencies, MSG, alcohol, chocolate, caffeine, stress and aged cheese. Diet changes and weather changes (air pressure) may affect the severity of your pain. Nutritional causes

Skipping a meal increases the likelihood of nutritional deficiencies. Your body is thrown out of balance, and your system is unable to function properly. Experts outline the connection between riboflavin levels and migraines.

The same applies to vitamin B12. Regular intake of riboflavin reduces the risk of migraines by 50%, as confirmed in several studies.

Grape juice treats migraines

Wine may give you a migraine, but grape juice is definitely the most effective natural remedy for headaches.

Grapes are rich in vitamin C and B12. Grape seeds are abundant in riboflavin. These give your body the power it needs, and help you relieve your pain. Nutrients in grapes boost the function of your liver.

The juice you see in supermarkets is not the thing you need. There's no riboflavin in store-bought grape juice, and it contains added sugar. Always opt for organic grape juice or make it at home!

Quick and easy grape juice recipe

Remove the grapes from the stem, and rinse them well. Use a blender or potato masher to puree your grapes. Cook the grape puree on medium heat for 10 minutes.

Use the masher to work the puree in order to prevent any clumps. Strain, and transfer the hot juice into a glass bottle. A cheesecloth will work perfectly for this purpose. For better results, fold your cheesecloth twice. Your homemade grape juice is ready, and it's time to give it a try!

The post Why Anyone With a Migraine Should Drink Grape Juice; These Are The Results appeared first on Healthy Food Dream.

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