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17 Magnesium Filled Foods That Can Lower Your Risk of Anxiety, Depression, Heart Attacks And More

Magnesium is the fourth the most plentiful mineral in the body and is of essential importance for our overall health. It actually regulates over 300 enzymes in the body and plays a role in numerous biochemical processes which help for healthy metabolic functions.

These are some of the roles of magnesium:

It relaxes the blood vessels

Regulates the function of the muscles and nerves

Forms healthy bones and teeth

Regulates the insulin sensitivity and blood sugar

Creates adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

Therefore, a magnesium deficiency in the body is a serious issue, as it causes deterioration of numerous metabolic functions, and poses severe health risks, leading to a migraine, headaches, anxiety, depression, cardiovascular diseases, fibromyalgia, sudden cardiac death, etc.

Additionally, this important mineral helps the detoxification of the body by helping the synthesis of glutathione, energizes the body and improves athletic performance, and optimizes mitochondria, which prevents cancer.

The mitochondrion is an organelle in the cells, which produces the energy needed for the optimal function of the organs. Thus, a mitochondrial dysfunction leads to numerous health problems.

According to Ph.D. Rhonda Patrick, a mitochondrial researcher, magnesium is essential for healthy mitochondria as its oxidative capacities depend on the mitochondria's ability to create energy in the cells.

Magnesium deficiency

Magnesium is present in chlorophyll molecules, so if your diet is full of processed foods and low in vegetables and fruits, you probably lack magnesium in the body.

Statistics show that 50 to 80 percents of the Americans are magnesium deficient. Magnesium levels are also reduced due to poor sleep, alcohol abuse, and prescription drug use "“ statin, antibiotic, fluoride.

These are the most common symptoms of magnesium deficiency:

Muscle spasms


Appetite loss




A chronic lack of magnesium in the body might also lead to personality changes, tingling, numbness, coronary spasm, abnormal heart rhythm, etc.

To boost magnesium levels in the body, you need to increase the intake of dark green leafy vegetables, such as:

Bok Choy




Turnip Greens

Beet Greens

Romaine Lettuce

Collard Greens

Swiss Chard

Brussels Sprouts

Furthermore, the following foods are rich sources of magnesium too:

Fatty fish

Seeds and nuts

Raw cacao nib

Unsweetened cocoa powder

Fruits and berries



Herbs and spices like cumin, parsley, mustard seeds, fennel

Remember, if you decide to take magnesium supplements, you should balance it with calcium, vitamin K2, and vitamin D.


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