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Mom's Side-By-Side Photos Show That Weight Is Just a Number

This mom is changing the way we look at weight and body image. After having 4 kids, this California mother has found a way to stop looking at the scale- and it changed her life.

"Focusing on the number on the scale can be extremely discouraging," she said. "Once I let go of the number, and decided I was going to be consistent with lifting weight regardless of my weight, I saw results."

Adrienne Osuna has been posting side-by-side photos on her Instagram to show how her body has changed but her weight has not.

"I want moms to know that, even though they had kids, their bodies are NOT broken. They can be stronger and healthier than ever before," she posts. Adrienne has 4 boys ages 9, 7, 5, and 3. So you can imagine this busy mom has to work really hard to pursue her passion for health and fitness.

"After I saw how dramatic the difference in my body composition, I wanted to share with ladies how insignificant the scale was!" Adrienne said.

Thank you for sharing! This is truly inspirational. Has this changed your view of the scale?

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