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Pros and Cons of Vaping: Key Arguments

Photo by Maxim Potkin on Unsplash

More and more smokers are switching to vaping. However, despite its popularity, there are many questions about e-cigarettes, including their health effects. Vaping is defined as the inhalation and exhalation of vapors through a portable electronic device. The e-cigarette or vape itself is a battery-powered inhaler. When the user inhales, the battery heats the smoking liquid and generates scented steam. The liquid solution for smoking is packed in replaceable capsules. It consists of three basic components:

  • Propylene glycol is responsible for creating the effect of vapor strength;
  • Vegetable glycerin is responsible for the density of exhaled steam;
  • Flavors help to fill each puff with a bright taste and aroma. As a rule, food flavorings are used.

As a supplement, if desired, nicotine is used in various dosages. Some people also use the Hometown Hero disposable Delta 8 made from the hemp plant.

How is Vaping Different From Traditional Smoking?

Vape differs from tobacco cigarettes in that it heats up a flavored nicotine-containing liquid, not tobacco leaves. The process of burning any substances is absent here. At the same time, smoking traditional cigarettes requires the burning of chemically treated tobacco, and its small burnt particles are incredibly invasive and settle in the lungs.

Pros and Cons of Vaping

Currently, scientists and doctors do not have a common point of view on the question, “Is vape dangerous?” Some say that smoking vape is almost harmless. However, independent medical experts claim that tobacco heating systems are no less harmful to health than traditional cigarette smoking.


  • helps in the fight against cigarette smoking;
  • there are no combustion products;
  • the respiratory tract is not exposed to hot smoke;
  • if the vape is not filled with nicotine, the body does not suffer from its effects;
  • a pleasant smell of smoke does not irritate people;
  • it does not create preconditions for passive smoking;
  • a wide range of flavors for refilling vape.


  • dry mouth and skin problems: vaping contributes to dehydration, dry mouth, and throat. The steam has the ability to attract water molecules from the environment, including from the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract;
  • excessive steaming of vape with nicotine can cause dizziness;
  • many people who switch from smoking to vaping tend to drink more coffee or other caffeinated beverages;
  • often vapers who do not monitor the cleanliness and hygiene of their electronic smoking device suffer from inflammation of the oral cavity;

Is Vaping Addictive?

A study conducted at the University of Pennsylvania (USA) in 2017, found that vaping does not cause addiction and dependence. Also, vapers are less likely to suffer from a strong urge to smoke, the need for a morning dose of nicotine, and can cope with a long period of inability to smoke.

What is your personal attitude to vaping? Share your thoughts with us in the comments.

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