Did You Know

"Sneating" Is The Latest Dating Trend That'll Have Every Single Concerned


For decades, dating has been a tricky experience for those looking for love.

On your quest to find your soulmate, chances are you'll meet a handful of duds along the way.

But, that doesn't mean these outings are a waste of time.

As long as you're honest about your feelings with the unwanted suitor, you could still have an enjoyable evening, which can even blossom into a platonic friendship in time.

However, some people go on dates with disingenuous intentions, without having a smidge of interest in their admirer at all - for a very specific reason why.

You've heard of the phrases "ghosting" and "benching," but this latest dating trend takes a person's devious behavior to a whole new level.

"It lacks authenticity and integrity, and ruins it for the genuine people out there."

If you're ever in the midst of making plans with a person who's known for "sneating," it's in your best interest to cancel them immediately.

This term (a combination between the words sneaky and eating) refers to an individual who's sole purpose to go on dates for a free meal.

"Sneating is awful. It lacks authenticity and integrity, and ruins it for the genuine people out there," Australian dating expert Samantha Jayne told FEMAIL.

"To go out with someone purely for the purpose of a 'free meal' and taking advantage of the generosity of a chivalrous man is an absolute no-no."

Addressing the sneaters, Jayne said that although you don't owe anything to a person who picks up the bill, it's necessary to "practice common decency."

"At the end of the day it's just food and spending time with someone you have zero interest in, comes at a consequence," Jayne said.

"Time is something that you can never get back so it is a waste being sneaky when you could be spending time with someone that you genuinely want to connect with."

"If you happen to go on your date and think you have zero interest, then be polite, keep things short and sweet, and keep things simple."

Now, people are sharing their stories with sneating, and as you can expect, they don't have a fairy tale ending.

"While I was in there, a light bulb went off."

One Imgur user by the name of minilogo37 shared his experience with sneating with the online community, which originally took him by surprise.

He explained he had met the woman on tinder, and after a few days of back and forth, he asked her out on a date. She then insisted they meet for dinner.

"We met up tonight at a restaurant I'd picked out. She didn't look at me, wore sweatpants, and immediately ordered an $13 appetizer. Okay, not a deal breaker. I tried starting a conversation a few times, but she only gave one word answers.

"Then, she orders a $25 steak and $22 crab legs. She drank 4 $9 glasses of wine. I got the steak, and a few drinks myself. Right about the time our main course(s) arrived, I'd pretty much given up. She talked more to the waiter.

As we were finishing, I excused myself and went to the restroom. While I was in there, a light bulb went off. I left the bathroom, headed out the door, got in my car, and drove home."

This contrasts the story of Lucy, a self-described sneater who has gotten around 40 free meals from this practice.

In an article for Whimn, the university student said she has been struggling to cover her living expenses, and decided to find a less than ethical way to get free food.

"I didn't even feel the tiniest bit of guilt about letting Dan pay when I had no intention of seeing him again. He had a good job, he could afford it, and we had had a great chat and a few laughs," Lucy said about her Tinder date.

She that although the occasional date has taken her up on her meek offer to go Dutch, her goal is to reach "a point where I don't even feel like I need to offer to pay at all."

Ultimately, Lucy said she feels no remorse for her devious actions, as one of these men just may end up being Mr. Right.

"I don't date guys who I don't think can afford to pay, and if my Prince Charming happens to appear as one of these Tinder matches, I am open to getting to know him more. As long as he's paying," she concluded.

[H/T: Daily Mail, Metro]

Have you ever been a victim of sneating? Share with us your story in the comments!

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