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The Best Ways to Avoid Traffic Accidents While Traveling

For those wondering how to avoid traffic accidents while traveling, using simple safety measures can go a long way. Below are some of the many ways you can stay safe and help reduce the chances of an accident.

Drive the Speed Limit

If you're wondering how to stay safe and avoid accidents, one of the most important things you can do is to abide by the speed limit. Oftentimes, people will speed when traveling in order to get to their destination more quickly, but this practice increases the chances of an accident occurring. Not only is speeding dangerous, but it also puts other drivers at risk.

In addition, speeding puts you at risk of rear-ends. With nearly a third of all damage to a car being to the front bumper during an accident, it's easy to understand why speeding can be more costly than anticipated.

Follow the Rules of the Road

Another way you can stay safe and avoid traffic accidents is by following the rules of the road. Following traffic regulations helps ensure that everyone knows what to expect from other drivers, thus reducing the chances of an accident occurring. Additionally, failing to follow the rules of the road can result in fines, points on your license, and even jail time.

Consider using the Governors Highway Safety Association website for those wondering how to find specific rules in each state. It helps you stay up-to-date on all traffic laws and regulations in each state, so you can remain safe when traveling.

Practice Defensive Driving

Defensive driving is a great way to stay safe while behind the wheel and avoid traffic accidents. This practice encourages drivers to be aware of their surroundings and anticipate the potential mistakes of other drivers. This helps them stay prepared for any situation that may arise on the road.

For instance, defensive driving involves being aware of blind spots, scanning ahead for potential hazards, leaving enough distance between your car and the one in front of you, and avoiding distractions like talking on a cell phone or eating. All of these habits can help ensure you stay safe and alert when driving.

Get Adequate Sleep

Driver fatigue is responsible for about 30% of all commercial truck accidents, according to the National Library of Medicine. It's vital to get enough rest before embarking on your journey. If you are feeling sleepy or fatigued, take a break in order to avoid accidents that can occur when drowsy driving. Choosing to drive can have serious consequences, such as slowing down your reaction time and leading to you falling asleep at the wheel.

Also, plan ahead and allow yourself extra time to get to your destination safely. This way, you'll be able to give yourself some breaks along the way and stay alert. If you're wondering how to get sleep while on a solo cross-country trip, there are lots of rest stops and hotels available.

Tune-Up Your Car

You should perform a car tune-up around every 30,000 miles. This process involves inspecting your tires, brakes, and fluid levels, as well as replacing them when needed. Doing this can help you stay safe on the road and avoid traffic accidents.

In addition to a tune-up, it's important to get regular oil changes every 3-5 thousand miles depending on the type of vehicle. This helps ensure that your car is running efficiently and reduces the chances of a breakdown or accident occurring.

If you're unsure of what to look for, visit your local mechanic shop. They can help you properly inspect your car and make any necessary repairs or replacements in order to keep you safe.

By following these simple guidelines, you can stay safe while traveling and reduce the chance of a traffic accident happening. Remember to always drive responsibly and be aware of your surroundings at all times. Doing so will help you avoid danger and get to your destination safely.

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