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This Homemade Cream Will Do Wonders for Back Pain

<div><p>This homemade cream is a lifesaver if you suffer from back pain! Not only does it relieve pain in your back but it also helps with arthritis, joints, bones and muscle issues. It's amazing!</p><p>This cream is meant to be used at nighttime. Rub directly onto the area, cover with plastic wrap and a towel and leave on for at least 3 hours or overnight. The cream will work its wonders and leave you feeling pain free in 2-3 days!</p><h2>Ingredients</h2><ul><li>1 Tbsp honey</li><li>1 Tbsp mustard</li><li>1 Tbsp salt</li><li>1 Tbsp baking soda</li></ul><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><h2>Directions</h2><ol><li>Warm up the mustard.</li><li>In a small bowl mix together all the ingredients until blended (stir for about 5 minutes).</li><li>Place in a small sealable container (like a mason jar).</li></ol><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><p>How to Use</p><ol><li>Before applying, slightly warm the cream and apply directly on the sore area.</li><li>Place plastic wrap over the area.</li><li>Cover with a towel and leave for at least 3 hours. It's best to apply before bed.</li><li>In the morning, remove the towel and plastic wrap and wash the affected area with soap and warm water.</li><li>Repeat the treatment for 2-3 days in a row for best results.</li></ol><div><div><div><amp-youtube height="9" width="16" layout="responsive" data-videoid="BvGoPbXyEbw"></amp-youtube></div></div></div></div>

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