5 Reasons Why Duct Tape Needs To Be Added To Your First Aid Kit

Did You Know | Health

5 Medical Uses For Duct Tape You've Been Overlooking

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Duct tape can fix anything. Or at least that's what it seems like anyways, because no matter what the project is, you know that duct tape is going to be needed at some point.

Most of us keep a roll of it around the house in case we need it for some kind of home repair, but as it turns out, we should be keeping a roll in our first aid kits as well.

Duct tape is basically magic. Or it's at least as close to magic as us mere mortals can get. It's pretty much the only thing you can find that you can use to temporarily repair a leak in a boat but also help cure a wart.

So check out all the reasons why you should have duct tape in your first aid kit.

1. Treating warts

Warts are kind of an embarrassing issue that none of us like dealing with. But duct tape is actually a really good secret weapon against the annoying little bumps.

Instead of having to get those kits that freeze them off, you can just apply duct tape over the entire wart and after a couple of weeks it will be gone.

It's not as fast as the freezing kits, but it's easy and cheap, and doesn't hurt as much.

2. Emergency bandage

Running out of band-aids is something we've all had happen to us. But luckily, duct tape is the perfect alternative.

You just need to put a little bit of gauze over the wound, but then place the duct tape over top and you'll have a waterproof cover to your injury.

Also, if you ever have a weird shape cut or something too big for your regular bandages, you can make your own with duct tape and gauze. It's very waterproof so it'll actually stay on really well and keep any kind of contaminant out of the wound.

3. Remove a splinter

Who else has had a blister that they couldn't get out with tweezers? Probably everyone, right? Well, if you just can't get at it, you can use duct tape!

Clean the area around the splinter and and then soak the area with the splinter in water and Epsom salt to help loosen it up. Then apply a small piece of duct tape and let it sit for a half hour. When you slowly peel back the tape, the splinter should come right out!

4. Remove a tick

If you've ever gotten a tick, you know how much of a pain they are to remove. But with all the diseases that they are known to be carriers of, you've got to get rid of them as fast as possible.

One way to get rid of them is to use duct tape. Simple tear off a little piece and pinch the tick into a little crease so that it is basically surrounded. Then you use that sticky tape to pull it out without losing your grip.

Just be sure that you got the entire tick out, because leaving the head behind can cause infections.

5. Emergency splint

If you're out in the wilderness camping or hiking, or even just in your own home, sometimes an injury happens that is way worse than you were prepared for.

A broken bone can be scary, but if you are prepared with your duct tape, you can make yourself a temporary splint to keep the bone straight and safe.

You just need two straight sticks that match the length of the limb you're trying to immobilize, and then if you have extra fabric you can wrap that around as well to give some extra padding. Then just wrap your duct tape around the outside and whether it's your arm or your leg, you'll have something that'll keep the bones protected from any further harm until you can make it to the hospital.

Source - Readers Digest / Instructables / Health Prep

Make sure you go get a roll of duct tape and add it to all of your first aid kits now!