Sophie Turner Opens Up About Her Battle With Mental Illness


Sophie Turner Opens Up About Her Battle With Mental Illness


We sometimes see celebrities and wonder why are they so perfect. We admire their blemish free skin and strive to get a body just like theirs. We sometimes put them so high on a pedestal we forget that they are humans too. We forget that they sometimes get self-conscious and fixate on every blemish just like us. Sophie Turner is one celebrity who recently reminded us that nobody is perfect and celebrities are just like us.

Sophie Turner, Sansa Stark on Game of Thrones, appeared on Dr. Phil's podcast, "Phil in the Blanks", to talk about her battle with mental illness. Sophie explained that at the age of 17 she began experiencing depression.

She credited her depression to the fact that at that age she was at the height of puberty and that caused her to start gaining weight. Sophie also explained that her weight gain and the growing popularity of social media really contributed to the negative image of herself.  She told Dr. Phil, " it only started to kind of go downhill I think when I started to hit puberty, and really puberty, though, at like 17," she said, "My metabolism was like slowing down massively, and I was gaining weight. And then there was the social media scrutiny and everything, and that was when it kind of hit me."

When she saw comments about her body, skin and/or acting she would fully believe them. "I would just say, 'Yeah, I am spotty. Yeah I am fat. I am a bad actress.' And I just believed it " , she told Dr Phil.

Although, thanks to recent interviews and videos, we now think of Sophie as our super cool and outgoing gal pal. But, there was a time when she would just sit in her room and cry about the idea of having to go out in public. She stated, that because of this, her relationship with co star Maisie Williams could be "destructive at times". "Maisie and I used to stay inside together. I think being friends with each other was quite destructive because we were going through the same thing."  "We used to get home from set, go to a Tesco across the road, a little supermarket, and just buy food. We'd go back to our room and eat it in bed. We never socialized for a couple of years. We didn't socialize with anyone but ourselves."

When asked about how she felt today, Sophie said that she is doing much better and loves herself a little more now. She credits her success to her therapist and her fiancé Joe Jonas.

Cassandra loves Halloween, a good book and all things 90s.