Target Is Selling Mini Nutella Jars And OMG I Need Five

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Target Is Selling Mini Nutella Jars And They're Flying Off The Shelves

Instagram - lsyfiona/Instagram - nutella_anz

To say I love Nutella is like saying a fish kind of needs water. It's just too amazing. I'll eat it on bread, I'll eat it on cookies, I'll eat it on ice cream, I'll eat it with a spoon, I truly do not care... As long as I'm eating Nutella.

It seems as though I'm not the only one who wants Nutella involved in every aspect of my life, either. I mean, of course I'm not. Target is now tapping in to the biggest holiday of the year to bring a little bit of Nutella sweetness into everyone's home.

This year, the retail giant is selling mini Nutella Christmas jars that can double as Christmas ornaments.

Yep, that's right. You can now adorn your tree with a bunch of jars of Nutella. You'll have to do some arts and crafts, though, as they're not technically made to be hung on the tree, but it's not that hard to stick a piece of string to the lid.

According to the product description on the Target website, each jar contains 30g of Nutella, which is about two teaspoons. The awful part is that Target lists the number of servings in each jar as six. Who is getting six servings out of two teaspoons of Nutella? No one. No one is doing that.

The best part about this Nutella jar is that it only costs $1. ONE. DOLLAR. For Nutella!!! You'll be hard-pressed to find them in stores right now, because if the online shop is any indication, they're all sold out.

Like come on, how cute are these Nutella jars? You'd be wild to think your tree doesn't need one of these mini jars on your tree.

Some people have already purchased and eaten their mini Nutella jars, and who can really blame them? They're not letting their jars go to waste, though. They've turned them into little cactus planters!

These aren't the only holiday specialty item that Nutella is rolling out, either. They're also introducing super cute holiday-themed jars, and even jars that come with stencils and multi-tools, which you can use to decorate your pancakes or toast!

In the end, you can use these mini Nutella jars for whatever you want. Whether it's Christmas ornaments, stocking stuffers, year-round decorations, or just snacks to keep in your purse for whenever you want it.

Will you be headed out to Target to find yourself some mini Nutella jars?

Donna loves spending time in front of the TV catching up on dramas, but in the summer you'll find her in the garden.