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15 Toys You Loved As A Kid But Then Completely Forgot Existed

The best thing about being a kid is that you have roughly zero responsibilities. Sure, you need to go to school, but honestly that's pretty simple.

The only thing that we really cared about was playing with our toys. You might think that because our only concern was those wonderful toys, that we would remember them all, but that's where you're wrong.

Our brains have been filled with useless and boring facts like how to file our taxes and how to pay our bills, so all of our favorite toys have slipped away. But don't worry, we've got you covered.

Sure, you've forgotten a lot, but we can remind you! All your favorite toys are distant memories, and we're going to help you remember them.

Who's ready to revisit all those childhood toys they forgot?

1. Weebles

"Weebles wobble but they don't fall down!" Does it suddenly ring a bell? These little round-bottomed toys were adorable little buddies that would perfectly sit into the Weebles play sets that we all had.

2. Fashion Plates

We may not have been able to decide on which clothes our moms would buy for us, but we could design our own clothes using fashion plates. Mix and match all the plates to create your perfect outfit, and dream of the day when you would have a reason to wear it.

3. Pet Rocks

The genius inventor of this toy managed to create the perfect obsession for kids. They felt like they had a pet, but they didn't have to worry about feeding it or taking it for walks. It was the best option for the parents and the kid, and probably a lot of animals who didn't have to get annoyed by kids all the time.

It's literally just a rock though, that's the thing. There's nothing super special about it, but for some reason it was a huge hit!

4. Raggedy Ann & Andy

There is something so sweet about these little dolls. They lasted for generations and while they had a few changes over the years, they always kept their iconic look in some way. That red hair is pretty one-of-a-kind, and they just wouldn't be the same without those stripey socks!

5. Jacks

Jacks has had a lot of names over the years, and a lot of different rules, but no matter how you played it or what you called it, it was strangely addictive. You probably haven't thought about the cumulative hours you spent sitting cross-legged on the playground in a circle with all your friends grabbing little plastic pieces off the ground in a while have you?

How have you been doing so far? Remember them all? There's still more to come...

6. Monchichi

We all seemed to have at least one Monchichi in our homes, but no matter how many you had, these little things were everywhere. You couldn't go into any store without running into a display of them, you couldn't go to any friend's house without seeing their collection. They were kind of like Beanie Babies but long before those became popular.

7. Gobots

Sometimes you needed to diversify your transforming robot collection. You can't just have Transformers, you need some variety! Gobots were made by Tonka but eventually were bought out by Hasbro and joined the Transformer's universe.

8. Holly Hobbie

If you weren't a fan of Raggedy Ann, then you were probably a Holly Hobbie fan. They were a cute little rag doll without the big red nose, so a lot of kids really liked them.

9. Magna Doodle

I know kids these days are happy playing with their iPads, but back when we were young, we had these and that was it. There was no saving your artwork, you'd just erase it and start again. It was absolutely all we needed and we loved it.

10. Lincoln Log

Building up a house of Lincoln Logs was so satisfying when it worked. They were like classier Lego and you could create your own cool log cabins!

But those aren't the only toys we've forgotten...

11. Whee-Lo

Did you know the name of these? Because I sure did not. The little wheel sliding around on those metal bars somehow was a fun toy, but I haven't seen one in decades!

12. Chatty Cathy

Another doll, but instead of a soft and cuddly rag doll, she had a string that you could pull that would make her talk.

13. Barrel of Monkeys

I don't think I ever played with mine properly, but I still loved them. To be fair, I loved anything with monkeys, but there will always be a special place in my heart for these little guys.

14. Gloworm

This cuddly little glowing buddy was every kid's favorite. He has had a lot of looks over the years, but this green one will always be a classic.

15. Spirograph

There was something so satisfying about making these perfect looking pieces of art so quickly. It was crazy how just changing where the pen went could alter the pattern and it didn't take long before the whole thing looked like this intricate design you could have never drawn freehand.

How many of these toys did you play with when you were a kid? Had you forgotten about them?

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