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Not Just For Showers: 16 Ways To Use Irish Spring In Your Home And Garden

The smell of Irish Spring soap is pretty recognizable. We've all used it at some point or another in our lives. Most of us probably have a bar hanging around the house somewhere for some reason.    

But did you know that other than scrubbing yourself down in the shower, you can use Irish Spring soap in your everyday life to make things easier?  

These are some ways you probably had no idea you could use Irish Spring soap.

Freshen The Car

Air fresheners can be expensive, and sometimes their smells are a little too chemical. Thankfully, all you need is some Irish Spring and a Ziploc bag to solve your problem.

Put a bar of Irish Spring in the baggy and keep it under the seat of your car. The fresh scent won't be overpowering, and it also won't wear out like your other air fresheners.

Prevent Stinky Suitcases

Those of you who travel know that a suitcase can get pretty smelly after a long trip. Even just sitting in your basement, suitcases can start to get musty.

To prevent this, take an unwrapped bar of Irish Spring and place it in your suitcase before storing it. If you're traveling, keep the soap in your suitcase for the duration of the trip. No more musty travel smell!

Keep Deer Away

You spend a lot of time on your garden, and the last thing you want is deer coming in and ruining it all. Instead of using fencing or harsh chemicals, a bar of soap can change the game.

Simply cut up the soap, stuff pieces of it into old socks (or other pieces of material), and staple them to your fence. You can also just add socks or small bags around the garden to make it a little more discreet.

Eliminate Laundry Stink

Even if you stay up to date on your laundry schedule, laundry can still start to stink a little bit when you pile it up.

Keeping a bar of soap at the bottom of your laundry basket can keep the room from smelling stale in between laundry days. Just make sure you don't forget to take it out of the basket before dumping it in the laundry basket.

Fix Small Holes In Walls

A small hole in the wall from a finishing nail or a nick can be fixed by a bar of Irish Spring, which is a little surprising to some.

Gently rubbing a bar of soap over the hole until it fills the space, then all you have to do is paint over it to match the wall.

Fix A Stuck Zipper

Stuck zippers are the worst. When you're in a pinch, rub the teeth of the zipper with a bar of Irish Spring to help the zipper glide along its track! No more pulling and tugging until it breaks.

Lubricate Nails And Screws

Screws and nails can sometimes give you resistance when you try to put them in something. Rubbing them down with a bar of Irish Spring will make the hardware cooperate with you.

Treat Itchy Bug Bites

There are few things worse than an itchy bug bite that you can't get relief from. Luckily, Irish Spring is here to save the day!

Apply wet Irish Spring soap to the bug bite and let it dry. Once it has, your bite will feel numbed and you won't feel the urge to itch!

Keep Pests Away

Pests around your flowers are extremely frustrating, but you don't want to use pesticides to keep them away.

Grating up a bar of Irish Spring soap and sprinkling it in your garden will keep pests away and allow you to keep your garden looking beautiful for the full season.

Stop Sticky Doors, Drawers, And Windows

When the humidity strikes, doors, and windows can begin sticking to their frames. Sticky doors are frustrating but they don't have to be.

Rubbing Irish Spring soap on the hinges and frame of the sticky doors and windows can prevent them from making that awful squeaking noise and getting stuck.

The same thing goes for drawers that don't want to glide properly. Just rub some Irish Spring right over it the rails!

Keep Camping Skillets Clean

If you love camping, you'll probably know how annoying it is to have your pots and pans covered in fire soot. Cooking over the flame is great, but the aftermath is not.

But you can prevent the soot from sticking by covering the bottom of your pots and pans with a layer of Irish Spring!

Pretreat Stains

Every stain requires a slightly different approach, but soap is one of the few ingredients that help clean them all. Rub the bar over a stain before you treat or wash it.

Deodorize Shoes

No one likes stinky shoes, but the good news is you don't have to deal with them anymore.

Cut a bar of Irish Spring into pieces and place a piece in each of your shoes overnight. When you wake up, the odor will be gone and you'll be good to go!

Break-In New Shoes

If a pair of tight, leather shoes are pinching your feet, a bar of soap can give you relief in a surprising way.

Rub the soap inside the shoe, this will soften up the material but won't damage the shoe or mark it. Your foot should slip in with ease and feel much comfier.

Drawer Sachets

Tuck a bar of Irish Spring (or another favorite scented soap) into a drawer. The scent will keep the fabric smelling fresh. You can also use grated soap in a cloth bag!

Help Relieve Restless Leg Syndrome

42% of people who suffer from restless leg syndrome or nightly leg cramps have found putting soap under their sheets helps treat their pain. Doctors believe this is because of the magnesium in the soap, which can help reduce leg cramps.

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