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7 Gender-Predicting Old Wives' Tales You May Actually Believe

"So are you having a boy or a girl?"

Every pregnant woman gets asked this question several times a day if she goes out into public with her baby belly, and glowing skin. Even if you're choosing not to find out the gender of your baby before they arrive to the world, it's fun to guess!

That's why we've put together a list of old wives' tales that are said to predict your baby's gender. Remember, these are just for fun- there's no actual science to back any of them up.

Morning Sickness

When you get up in the morning do you need to make a quick dash for the bathroom? They say that moms who feel nauseated during the first trimester are expecting a girl. And if you're craving everything? Well, it just means you're pregnant!

Salty or Sweet Cravings

Can't get enough brownies and ice cream mom? Then you're having a sweet little girl. If it's salt and spice that's satisfying your cravings, you can expect a boy.

The Wedding Ring Test

A neat way to see which way your rings will swing. Tie your wedding ring onto a thread and hold it over mom's belly. If it swings in a circular motion, you're having a girl. If it swings back and forth like a pendulum, it's a boy.

Continue to the next page to find out how your baby's heart can indicate gender and other clues your body is giving you.

The excitement that follows a positive pregnancy test is a whirl wind of happy dances, tears and doctor's appointments. As the weeks wear on, your body changes, your moods fluctuate and you start to prepare for life with you new addition.

Most expectant parents are eager for that second trimester ultrasound that reveals the gender of their baby.

Until then, it's a guessing game. Which of these old wives' tales prove to be true?

High or Low Belly

Some say that if mom is carrying the baby high, it's believed to be a girl. While carrying low is thought to be a boy.

Weight Gain

While every pregnant mom is beautiful, where you gain weight can signify the gender of your child. If you notice extra weight on your hips and thighs, you can expect a baby girl, while weight gain on your stomach means boy.  It's also an old wives' tale that if your partner gains sympathy weight alongside you, it could be a sign that you're carrying a girl. But that just sounds like an excuse to eat try and beat you to the snacks!

Body Clues

Are you suffering from acne during your pregnancy? Legend says that blemishes and breakouts signal that a little girl is on the way. While dry hands and cold feet indicate a boy. If your complexion is bright and your hair looks like it's out of shampoo commercial it's said that you are having a boy.

Baby's Heart Rate

At your next doctor's appointment take a close listen to your baby's heartbeat. A baby with a heartbeat of less than 140 beats per minute is thought to be a boy, while a heartbeat of more than 140 beats per minute means that it's a girl.

So moms, how many of these test held true for you?

Source: Family Education / Today's Parent

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