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7 Reasons Peeing In The Shower Is A Smart Idea

Are you someone who pees in the shower? Do people look at you weird when you mention it? It's probably because in theory, it sounds gross. You're basically just peeing your pants but with no pants to catch it.  

However, The University of East Anglia has some hard evidence that proves peeing in the shower is not only good for YOU, it's good for the WORLD!

The university found that if everyone on campus peed in the shower, 187 million gallons of water could be saved in a single year!

Here are the reasons peeing in the shower is actually a great idea.  

1. It saves money.

UofEA estimates peeing in the shower would save the university over $230,000 a year. Now, it won't save you, personally, that much. But any money you can save on utilities is great, right?

2. It's saves the planet.

"With 15,000 students at UEA, over a year we would save enough water to fill an Olympic-sized swimming pool 26 times over," say UofEA administrators. It also cuts down on toilet paper in sewage systems, which then means less cleanup in general.

3. It's more hygienic.

Yep, that's right. Especially for women, peeing in the shower is actually much cleaner than peeing on the toilet and using toilet paper! A lot of public health officials don't understand when dry toilet paper became a "clean" standard. Wiping with toilet paper, specifically from back to front, can introduce bacteria into your urethra, leading to painful infections. No thank you!

4. It's just all around cleaner.

We're lookin' at you here, men. Peeing in the toilet can often lead to a mess. Pee on the seat, pee on the floor, etc. Women have their issues as well, so why not just pee in the shower where it doesn't really matter? It's all getting washed away anyways.

5. Target practice.

Girls can aim their pee too, boys!  Okay sure we're not writing our names in the snow any time soon, but you can still learn to direct your pee stream in a certain direction. It's all about muscle management.

6. It's just plain fun.

Honestly, it feels like you're breaking the rules when you do it. So why not pee in the shower? It makes you a little kid again with the time outs or temper tantrums (hopefully!)

7. You'll be in the majority.

Did you know more than 80% of people have admitted to peeing in the shower? That's because it's NORMAL. Everyone just pretends they don't do it so they don't get weird looks...but it's a thing. Trust me.

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