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How to Create the Perfect Outdoor Space at Home This Summer

Outdoor seating areas can provide your home with an extra comfort level and ensure that you feel satisfied with your house. However, you may neglect these areas or simply feel uncertain about how to upgrade them for maximum quality. The following steps can give you the best outdoor seating area and ensure that your house is worth more on the market if you try to sell it later.

1. Add a New Patio

Patios add a certain touch of class and style to your house, which is probably why over 20% of new houses add a patio to their outdoor areas every year. Thankfully, you can add a patio to your outdoor area with little difficulty by working with a professional who understands these steps.

For instance, you can hire a carpenter who can install a new patio and make sure that it's properly structured and safely built. You can then work with a hardscaping professional who can make sure that the rest of your seating area matches it, such as adding new bricks or even a fireplace to this area.

2. Expand Your Landscaping

Does your home have limited outdoor landscaping, and you aren't sure what to do? It is important to talk to a landscaping expert who can help expand your landscaping properly, causing no serious issues. For instance, they can put in new trees, flowers, and other items that make your landscaping appealing.

For example, you can add new hills throughout your landscape, put in new bushes, add decorative touches, and even add small and fun structures to your yard. Touching it up just a little will make your outdoor seating area a little more comfortable and relaxing to visit.

3. Install Better Doors and Windows

Your seating area's doors and windows not only add style to this area but can improve your house's heating and cooling efficiency. Perhaps that's why the windows and door market had a $153 billion value in 2020. Putting in new windows and doors can help you enjoy sitting outside even more.

Even though these fixes mostly affect your house, they can also improve your seating area. For instance, if you have an outdoor sunroom with doors and windows protecting you from bugs, adding new items can improve this room's comfort, style, and heating efficiency.

4. Remove Mosquito Hotspots

Did you know that mosquitoes can and will lay eggs in standing water as small as a bucket or mud puddle? There's nothing worse than letting this standing water stay, hatching thousands of mosquitoes, and dealing with them all summer. Instead, get rid of this standing water to improve your outdoor seating.

A mosquito treatment specialist can come to your yard and inspect potential egg-laying spots throughout the area. These zones may include shallow areas that collect water every year. You may even need to get upgraded yard sloping to minimize water spread throughout your grass.

5. Improve the House's Exterior

Is your seating area comfortable but seems framed in an unattractive exterior look? Try to improve your house's style by adding new siding and other elements. Doing so not only improves your overall style but boosts your seating area comfort and enhances your house's value at the same time.

What material should you use? Well, the Census Bureau's Survey of Construction found the most popular options were: vinyl or stucco (26%), brick or brick veneer (21%), and fiber cement siding (20%). Pick an option that meets your house's style and your budgeting needs.

As you can see, you can add a great new outdoor seating area for your home if you have the time, patience, and budget to improve these areas. Pay attention to these steps, identify other potentially useful options to consider, and work with a house improvement specialist to get the help that you need. Doing so can improve your house's appearance and let you relax outdoors with ease.

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