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How to Protect Your Roof During Winter

The roof is one of the most important parts of the home, so it's essential to protect it during the winter. There were 108,000 roofing businesses in the last year, making this a good industry to seek help from during the winter! Below are some of the many ways you can protect your roof and home during the winter.

Consider a New Roof

A new roof can yield an 85% ROI if you plan on selling your home. Many times, you might ignore the signs that it's time for a new roof, but winter is a great time to consider one. If your roof needs repair or you are looking for an upgrade, then the winter is ideal, since the weather is cooler and drier. Some signs that you might need a new roof are missing shingles, water stains on the ceiling and walls, noticeable sagging of your roof, or more than 20 years of age.

Check Your Attic

Take some time to inspect your attic during the winter. Look for any air leaks that might be coming in from the exterior. You can also check the insulation to make sure it is still in good condition and not letting out too much heat. Make sure that the attic vents are clear of snow or debris and keep them open so you can get proper ventilation. If you notice any problems, then call a roofing company right away to get them fixed.

Check for Ice Dams

Ice dams form when snow on the roof melts and refreezes at the edge of the roof, trapping water behind it. This can cause serious damage to your roof and home by allowing water to seep into your attic or walls. Check for any ice dams that might have formed during the winter. If you find one, call a professional immediately to remove it.

Consider New Materials

A new metal roof can last up to 70 years, which can certainly save you money in the long run. Consider installing new materials for your home, such as metal, tile, or asphalt. These materials can increase the life of your roof and also be more energy-efficient in both summer and winter months. Talk to a roofing professional about what types of materials would work best for you. For instance, if your budget is tight, then you can go for asphalt shingles which are less expensive but still quite durable.

Clean the Gutters

Gutters are essential for draining water away from your home, so be sure to clean them out during the winter. Clear any debris or leaves that have built up in the gutter and ensure that they are properly attached to the house. If you notice any leaks, call a professional to come and fix them.

Inspect for Damage

Take some time to inspect your roof for damage. Look for any missing or damaged shingles, cracks in the flashing, broken tiles, or any other signs of damage. Make sure to repair any problems right away so your roof can be ready for the winter. Damage can quickly lead to leaks and further problems if not addressed.

Fortunately, most roofing issues can be prevented with a little bit of regular maintenance. Taking the time to inspect and maintain your roof during the winter months is essential for protecting your home and keeping it in good condition. Be sure to call a professional if you need any help or repairs, as they will be able to provide the best advice on how to protect your roof.

With these simple tips, you can protect your roof and home during the winter months. A little bit of preparation can go a long way to help you improve your home's comfort levels and protect your family.

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