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14-day butt lift challenge

Everyone talks about getting the perfect butt but only a few know the secret of how to get there. We are those who have been lucky to discover one magical butt workout calendar and we are ready to share it with you on one condition. Do not forget to challenge your friends! It is always more fun to win the bet, especially when it involves getting yourself in shape, don't you think?

The thing is that this magic set of exercises will help you not only to tone up your butt, but your hips and thighs as well. Doesn't it sound amazing? Oh, we forgot to tell you the most important thing "“ it will only take you 2 weeks. Ready? What are you waiting for? Call you besties and let's begin!

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Credit: BetterMe

- Bend over or squat down and place your hands on the floor in front of you, just outside of your feet.

- Jump both feet back so that you're now in plank position.

- Drop to a push-up"”your chest should touch the floor. You can also drop to your knees here, which makes the impending push-up easier.

-  Push up to return to plank position (this can be a strict push-up, a push-up from the knees, or not a push-up at all (i.e., just push yourself up from the ground as you would if you weren't working out)"”your choice).

- Jump the feet back in toward the hands.

- Explosively jump into the air, reaching your arms straight overhead.


Credit: BetterMe

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- Stand as tall as you can with your feet spread shoulder-width apart.

- Lower your body as far as you can by pushing your hips back and bending your knees.

- Pause, then slowly push yourself back to the starting position.


Credit: BetterMe

- Lay down on an exercising mat with your back resting on the mat.

- Stating position: Move your arms out by your sides, away from the body. Position your hands such that your palms are facing upwards.

- Applying the force from your heels, raise your hips in the upward direction.

- Final position: Keep raising your glutes in the upward direction until your thighs, hips and back are in a straight line.

- Stay there in this position for a count of one and return back to the starting position by lowering your hips back to the floor.

- Pause for a while and repeat the above steps.


Credit: BetterMe

- Position yourself on all fours with knees underneath the hips and wrists under the shoulders. Engage your abs and keep your spine neutral, pulling the shoulder blades towards the hips.

- Lengthen the left leg until it is straight out and in line with your hips while simultaneously raising and straightening your right arm until it is parallel to the floor. Keep your head and shoulders aligned at all times.

- Gently lower your arm and leg back to the starting position and alternate with the other arm and leg.


Credit: BetterMe

- Position yourself on all fours on a mat. Position your hands underneath your shoulders and place your knees under your hips.

- Keep your right knee bent at 90 degrees and flex the foot as you lift the knee until it is level with the hip.

- Lower the knee without touching the floor and repeat the lift. Once you've completed the reps on the right leg, switch legs.


Credit: BetterMe

- Position yourself on all fours on a mat with your palms flat and shoulder-width apart. Place your knees hip-width apart and bend them at a 90 degree angle. Try to relax your core so that your back and abs are in a natural position.

- Maintain this posture as you raise your right knee and bring it as close to your chest as you can. Now raise your right thigh out to the side, keeping the hips still.

- Kick your raised leg straight back slowly until it is in line with your torso. Reverse the movement to return to the starting position.


Credit: BetterMe

- Hold one rope end in each hand out to your sides with the middle of the rope behind you. Keep the rope ends even with your hips.

- Rotate your wrists to swing the rope up over your head. As the rope  swings down in front of and towards you, jump over the rope with both feet. Continue rotating your wrists to swing the rope behind you, back up over your head to repeat.


Credit: BetterMe

- Lie face down on a mat, with your arms fully extended above your head and your legs fully extended behind you.

- Lift your chest, arms and legs off the floor by arching your back. Only the tops of your quads and your lower abdomen should be in contact with the floor.

- Hold for a count of 2 while squeezing your abdominals and obliques. Return to the starting position for a count of one, then repeat.

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Credit: BetterMe

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