Studies Show This Common Work Trend Could Cause Depression

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Studies Show This Common Work Trend Could Cause Depression

It's the dream, isn't it? A Monday to Friday, 9 to 5 job. That's the goal for most people as they get older. The structure and stability is a classic model for many different workplace.

But according to many studies conducted over the past few years, the 5 day work week is actually bad. Most scientists recommend a 4 day work week with a 3 day weekend.

How is that possible, though? You've heard people say it all the time: "there aren't enough hours in the day to get all this done!"

Here's the thing, though. Most studies actually show that 4 day work weeks produce more productive employees. One study, through Stanford University, showed that people who work 50 hours a week produce less work than those who don't.

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Working longer hours can also lead to more mistakes at work, which could cost the company time and money. By having employees who are more relaxed and well rested, the margin of error decreases.

But perhaps the most alarming outcome of the five day work week is the increase of depression among employees. Employees who work 10 hour days reported 97% more symptoms of depression than those who worked 6 to 8 hours a day. There is no reason to believe that this same trend would not continue between employees who work 5 days a week and employees who work 4 days a week.

Of course, one less day of work per week means less pay per week. But 28% of workers said they would take the pay cut in exchange for an extra day off.

Would you like to see the 4 day work week become mainstream? Let us know in the comments!

Meagan has an intense love for Netflix, napping, and carbs.