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Avoid These Bedtime Habits If You Want To Get Proper Rest Overnight

Sleeping is extremely important for our wellbeing, as it affects our health in many ways. The lack of sleep can be a cause of numerous health issues, so in order to prevent them, you should try to eliminate your bad sleeping habits.

Here are some harmful bedtime habits you should give up and some useful tips to follow:

Sleep on the left side

Scientists have found that the most beneficial sleeping position to get a proper rest, help digestion, and relieve various health issues, is to sleep on the left side.

Do not read in bed

Reading a book before going to sleep might keep you alert for longer and interrupt your sleep.

Your feet should be warm

To ensure a healthy sleep, your feet should never be cold when you go to bed, so keep them tucked under the blanket.

Set up a bedtime routine

If you set up a bedtime routine, you will sleep better during the night. For instance, put on the pajamas before brushing the hair, and go to bed.

Avoid eating for at least a few hours before going to bed

Having a heavy meal for dinner, and going to bed with a full stomach will make you feel uncomfortable, lead to heartburn, and reduce the quality of the sleep.

Avoid coffee 4 hours before bedtime

The consumption of coffee will keep you awake and alerts, so avoid it at least 4 hours before going to bed.

Don't drink anything at least an hour before bedtime

To prevent waking up with an urge to pee during the night, you should not drink anything for at least an hour before bedtime.

Keep electronic devices away from your bedroom

Keep your smartphone, tablets, TV and other gadgets away from the room you sleep in, as they will interrupt your sleeping pattern.

Avoid taking naps

Naps improve the function of the brain, but if you nap regularly, you will face difficulties to fall asleep at night.

Avoid bright alarm clocks

To fall asleep better, avoid flashing alarms, as they draw away your attention.

Do not exercise 2-3 hours before bedtime

Avoid exercising a few hours before bedtime, as it will increase adrenaline levels and cause difficulties to fall asleep.

Get yourself a quality mattress

Bad mattresses are among the leading causes of insomnia, so make sure you get a high-quality, soft, but firm mattress, that will enhance the sleeping experience.


The post Avoid These Bedtime Habits If You Want To Get Proper Rest Overnight appeared first on Healthy Life Box.

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